natalie profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Massive Myspace Layouts collection from
***i'm 21... my life currently is focused on my career... i've never felt that way... I listen to a lot of music and continue to expand my brain everyday with new people new movement and new aspirations... I love LA right now... prolly not forever but right now it's home... i'm happy and enjoy watching those around me feel the same...

My Interests

Dance Dance and Dance! That's pretty much it... I love hanging out with my brother and just playing little kid games like the game cube and stuff... i also do some gymnastics on my spare time which isn't much anymore but i did it in high school. just love hanging out when things are chill and laughing with the people that make me feel all warm and good inside!

I'd like to meet:

An old video of Matt Cady's Choreography... see if you can find me... haha Thanks CanDANCE!!Marty's class a while ago too...


There is a lot to type in this section... but lets just say i'm open to a lot of music... music is a HUGE part of what my career is... i don't judge!my two older brothers... julius and bryan choreographed this... they are the SH*T! yay... i love them and miss them both very much.... HOLLA!


Funny ones! and ones that end with a twist... some favorites are *Napoleon Dynamite *Zoolander *Momento *Vanilla Sky *Fight Club *Anchorman ... i dunno i like lots of movies... love the sappy ones too just saw mona lisa smile ... awwww that was fun!


boy meets world, sister sister, smart guy... all of the above... i know i'm a nerd but i just love those shows... in the city.... always love the dramatic real world... discovery channel... food network.... and the biggest loser....


i like the harry potter books and i'm not afraid to admit it!!... i like reading biographys and poetry and soul feeding material whatever that may be at that time for me...


oooo this is a hard one... MY MOM... she's amazingly raised me and now my brother by herself. I commend her each and every day for her sacrifces and for loving me enough to do what she's done for me... EVERYONE WHO HAS A DREAM because people who have drive will go places and in the end will only make our lives more exciting and worth while... MY BROTHER because he's only 5 and extremely nice to me and everyday he'll for sure greet me and the door with a huge smile and hug... ALL OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS (you know who you are) you make each day of my life that much easier for me... thanks...

My Blog


So... i leave for a quick minute on Tuesday of next week... i was kinda wanting to celebrate my first job booked and just everyones success lately which by the way has been a lot!!! congrats everyone....
Posted by natalie on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 02:35:00 PST

the real stuff...

This is a blog post from a friend of mine (april rodriguez) but i felt that it was sooo deep and said all the things that i feel about love so well that i decided to re-post it here for everyone else ...
Posted by natalie on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 08:04:00 PST

just a quote....

When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen, there will be something solid for you t...
Posted by natalie on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 02:12:00 PST

Love is...

...everyday i learn more and more about my life and what love really means to me and how it all plays in together...   i think about all the things that really make me feel love and i think abou...
Posted by natalie on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 11:14:00 PST

I'm turning 20!!!!

yay! it's my birthday on friday... dec. 30th.... and we are going to go to dinner at california pizza kitchen in old town pasedena.... everyone's invited! well i mean like only if you know me and lov...
Posted by natalie on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:24:00 PST

My Top Eight... haha (i was bored)

Who's your top 8?1. Ivan 2. Kelsy 3. Amy 4. Nathan 5. Jessie 6. CanDance 7. Anika 8. Dezi[PeRsOn ONE]a. how long have you known this person? about 3 years b. do you go to the same school as him/her? n...
Posted by natalie on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:24:00 PST

think about it ...

I found this paragraph on someone's profile actually... i LOVED it... ...think about it.... To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out for another ...
Posted by natalie on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 01:18:00 PST

i'm all at sea...

this song is sooooo many things to me... this artist is AMAZING! Check him out... he rocks... listen...just enjoy what he's singing... (it's the song on my profile.... )   JAMIE CULLUM LYRICS"All...
Posted by natalie on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 03:02:00 PST

this is what i'm feeling right now

I am the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be closer to you I'm the girl who likes to be kissed under the stars, more then inside your bed...
Posted by natalie on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 06:40:00 PST

i didn't sign up for this...

... i never signed up for how hard life is I think about it everyday, we go to school all throughout childhood to learn all of lifes skills and what do we get.... really? nothing that has to do with l...
Posted by natalie on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 02:16:00 PST