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What type of girl do you go for? (Guy test)
Girls More Down-to-Earth!
You pick the girls who are more down-to-earth. Your past girlfriend(s) was not such a bad thing. She understood most things and tried to make it work. If things got rocky she didn?t always fly off the handle. All girls have things to deal with but they weren't really too the extreme. If certain circumstances had not have come up, you might have actually worked. You tend to pick pretty decent girls but just haven't found the keeper yet!
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Men Only - Relationship IQ - How Good Are You?
The Perfect Man...
They say the gingerbread man is perfect because he doesn't talk, he's sweet, & if you get into a fight, you can bite his head off. However, if you scored 75% or better, you either lied on the test, or you know that women generally take dating seriously. You don't obessess over sex and you treat a woman's body and her feelings with respect. You know how to give a compliment and you don't rush into kissing or sex without considering a girl's feelings first. Although you may have some flaws, you are the "Perfect Man".
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Are you experienced in bed? (guys only)
You have probably had a lot of sex. You know sex like the back of your own hand. You know what gets a girl off and how to treat her. If you didn't cheat on this test by searching Google for answers to some of these questions, consider yourself a great guy to have sex with ;) A girl would be so lucky
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