Fantasmagoria es una banda de Bs As–Argentina formada en 2001.
Acaba de editar un EP llamado “Abracadabra†q tiene 6 canciones, se edita en brasil y Argentina simultaneamente.
Nateriormente publicaron de manera independiente dos discos oficiales: Fantasmagoria (2001) y Atravesando el camino (que nos lleva a los otros caminos) (2003). En ambos trabajos se puede disfrutar de la mezcla de rock-pop-psicodelia-folk y guitarras acústicas que ya caracterizan a la banda. Además, Fantasmagoria tiene un EP de 5 temas, Clearance (2004), que se puede descargar gratuitamente -con arte de tapa incluÃdo- desde el sitio de la banda: En la página se pueden ver los videos del grupo, data, descargar mp3 de sus discos anteriores, suscribirse para recibir novedades, enterarse de las fechas y actividades del grupo. Además, un fotolog q se actualiza dÃa a dÃa:, mantiene a los fans informados de las novedades de Fanstasmagoria. Con más de 170 show dentro y fuera del paÃs, y habiendo compartido escenarios con grupos locales e internacionales, Fantasmagoria retorna a los escenarios para presentar y adelantar sus nuevas composiciones. Ver mas en:
: - Gori llamando a rio backs to the sceneries. Next to release their third work, the band has already started playing the songs that shall be part of their new work in shows. Fantasmagoria already released two official discs that were edited independently: Fantasmagoria (2001) re-edited twice, firstly, with 1000 units, and later, 500 units more, given than the first 1000 were oversold. and their other piece: Atravesando el camino (que nos lleva a los otros caminos) (2003). In both Works, you can really enjoy the combination of rock-pop-psychodelia-folk acoustic guitars that are a distinguishing characteristic of the band. Furthermore, they released an EP with 5 songs named Clearance (2004), which can be downloaded -including the cover art- from their web site: In this web site, which is being re-designed at present, you can enjoy the bands videos, data, download mp3 songs from former works, subscribe yourself to receive permanent updates and news, so as to keep you posted with the band´s Gigs and events. For further info, you are kingly invited to visit the band´s fotolog (which is constantly updated) : It also offers information on the band´s news. With more than 150 concerts in the country and abroad, and having shared sceneries with both local and international bands, Fantasmagoria is now back to the flesh to introduce and present the band´s new songs in advance. For further info visit: