This is HipHop. Like KRS-One said, Hip is the knowledge, the form of intelligence, and Hop is the relevant movement of that intelligence. Therefore, Hiphop is "Intelligence Movement." It is precisely, The active-intelligence and intention movement of the people towards it's survival, excellence and perfection in harmony. DJs, Poet-MCs, Break Dancers and Graff Artists, is not enough.We are ILL-Legitimate. Our goal is beyond self-mastery and a mastery of the martial arts and elements, it is essentially a philosophy of existence, executed in the purest format and focused on mental and spiritual growth of all. There must be movement, however, for without movement, sitting around and singing songs, it is no different essentially than what the Hippies did. Selected from various corners of the world and bred from diverse backgrounds illegitimately, we represent humanity and the Universe in it's entirely. ILL-Legitimate. Ill & Legitimate--progress and integrity--stitched with a hyphen. We began this years ago and only now are letting things surface. This is underground where you beef with lava for territory. Moving the knowledge into new realms of progress for the universe. There are stages and precise tasks to the successful execution of a revolution, the first step is to move the ideas to the forefront of the fighting minds. The message is unity, power, peace, fraternity in arms, action, death to the devils and love to the people, finding beauty in the struggle. If not, creating it, by any means necessary. We do our part however we can. As real hiphop continues its tread down the Dodo's path, it is entirely up to the few strongholds left to sway its course back into prosperity with their message, and negativity is the kryptonite to this. We aim to combat fear, poverty, laziness, to starve the wheels of corruption by taking the reigns of life in our own hands. Our war is critical action. The revolution is in the mind. If the strongholds representing this hip-hop are to continue standing, they better be united under the same righteous ideals as opposed to the constant infighting, corruption, greed and disrespect, that nobody takes seriously. Holding guns is not hard, be smart about it and learn to point them in the right direction, at the real enemy. Seriousness is key. Life is what you make it, and artists without message, purpose or content are simply fucking clowns, dressing up in funny styles and jumping around on stage, yelling over pounding beats, wasting time, soul, money and mind to try and make us scream and shout for a selfish benefit. fuck that shit. that shit is beyond played. The bullshit has been going on since the times of the Romans and now it's going to stop. Eyes, ears and mind, the fuck open. We have the ULTIMATE TOOL to bring about all the things we need and want out of life. Let's use it as such. 8 very different backgrounds. 8 very different individuals. 8 very dedicated hiphoppers all representin that hiphop which fulfills the criteria of ILL and LEGITIMATE and all creating it with that same love, drive and passion that a man employs to provide a meal for his family, or fights with his brothers on the battlefield. Band of Brothers. Stitched with a hyphen, motherfuckers (We all fuck mother earth everyday so we're all motherfuckers. Don't deny it, Fix it). P-E-A-C-E. P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S. U-N-I-T-Y. T-H-R-O-U-G-H. H-I-P-H-O-P. (PPUTH). 1ness.Anonymouz Debut Album "a.no.nym.i.ty"
A.O.K. Debut Album
"If You Don't Buy this CD the Terrorists Win"
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