Erica Are I profile picture

Erica Are I


About Me


i hate::

people who are late (and by late i mean not early)
poor customer service
people who are bad at their jobs
crumbs in the kitchen
people without strong opinions
lack of common sense, inefficiency. generally stupidity.
unorganized work space

i will::

be the last person off the dance floor
steal your catch phrases and buzzwords and use them as if they were my own. (sorry if i do this to you..i seriously have no control of it)
get in an argument with you. i'm stubborn and highly opinionated.

i love::

teenagers because they have way better style then me
the sound of a brooklyn bound L train in service
roof tops
keepin it awkward

My Interests

my sk::
dinner parties ::
cheap beer::
the ultrateam::
good design::
strong rum and cokes::
apartments without walls::
dance parties::
sox and pats:: (and hating the yankees)
making stuffs::
pretending i'm a dj::
black jeans and neon green nail polish::
my lurkbookpro::
arts and crafts::

I'd like to meet:

people who are much cooler than me.

people who don't know GCH's "Clothes Off" is a remake, so we can not be friends....


monty are i:
def leppard:
the matches:

randoms, dance jams and rock anthems


one that make me happy, sad and glad::


law and order::
the soup::
bad girls club


the tipping point:: teen vogue::


the dance floor::

My Blog


"downtown" waldoboro fucking maine....represent! uhuh this is the pile of sticks that i grew up in..... (also please note the current musical selection)...
Posted by Erica Are I on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 04:34:00 PST

get em'

baylee is gonna come down to rhode island for a whole weekend just so she can give shamelss hipster girls dirty looks for me..............i'm tired of doing it myself
Posted by Erica Are I on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Maine Words and Phrases of the Day "Haul"- verb: 1. To retrieve lobster traps from the water 2. To perform your job Come up outta theah- (come up out of there) verb- 1. to leave a location a...
Posted by Erica Are I on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

um online journals kinda freak me out.....
Posted by Erica Are I on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST