My name is Jessica. I am full blooded German. I was born in Bamberg, Germany in 1983. I moved to Alabama in 1996. I graduated Saks High School in 2001. I have two sisters...Jennie and you girls... I love my Mom and Dad....I have the best parents in the world. I love all my amazing friends that have stuck beside me all these years. All the others that didn't.....your loss. As I get older I reevaluate my life... to all my friends now and before that are no longer friends...I wish the best to everyone... b/c if you think about it, they were you friends for a reason and some time or another yall loved each other. I'm me, take it or leave it.
I decided to go on a ride along with my dad. There was a stolen car that we were after. Two cops found it. The car was occupied and ran over the cop. The two officers opened fire on the car. Over the radio we heard there was an officer down. So Dad floored it. We arrived and the officer was still on the ground. We made sure that he was ok and then started our high speed chase. The chase took about 15 minutes until another officer t-boned the stolen scion. The suspect jumps out and starts running. My dad starts running after him and kicks down a fence. More officers arrive, including two snipers and a K9 unit. The guy ends up hiding in a house. Dad kicks down the door and arrests him. The suspect was bleeding all over. He was shot in the arm. Two officers ending up going to the hospital and so did the suspect. We followed them to the hospital. Me and Dad were in the elevator with the suspect that was coughing up blood. Moral of the story: Don't f*ck with the cops. Needless to say: It was Freaking awesome! Especially because I've wanted to be a cop my entire life. Check out the video!