WOOF WOOF....my name is Tyson and I'm nanny's boy. I'm a spoiled rotten 4 year old. At my house I have 4 pets, and 3 other human's like me named Molly, Woodrow and Agustus McCrae. I use to call Molly "the hussy" cause I didn't like her to much. Now that I've got to know her well, she's a pretty good ole gal. Molly is 3 years old, and is white with a brown eye and lots of freckles. She kinda looks like Petey on The Little Rascals. She's not the prettiest girl on the block, but I love her anyway. Agustus McCrae, well he's a fiesty 1 year old that's brindled with a white stripe down his nose and white feet. He's a mean little cuss. One day I'm gonna get my teeth on that boy. Nanny takes up for him when he's mean and protects him. Next comes Woodrow. Woodrow, well he ain't like us. Molly and I were down at the creek playing one day and we heard this noise. I ran to see what it was and there he was looking all pitiful and sad. Needless to say, Molly and I grabbed the ole boy and brought him up to the house to show Nanny and Pop what we found. Pop told Nanny that he was gonna keep Woodrow cause he was cute. Nanny thinks he needs his tail docked. LOL! She loves our little nubs. Woodrow ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's ok. Nanny calls him a half sharpei/half lab mix. He must have been worried a lot before we found him cause he's got some serious wrinkles. My pets include my nanny, my pop, my aunt and my uncle. They are lots of fun and they do tricks for me. We play hide and seek the toys. Shhhh! I'm better than they are at hiding and seeking. I got some pics up of Scooter. She was the old lady in the family. Nanny said she was 13, which is old for a boxer. She took me in when I came to live here and raised me to be a big, strong respectful man. I'll never forget that girl. She was something special.
I've worked hard training my pets. They bathe me, feed me, take me for rides, and kiss on me all the time. They jump when I speak. My Nanny is my main caretaker and pet. She's the one that does my Myspace. Nanny has taught me all sorts of tricks and I love to perform them for everyone that comes to our house. Some of the things I do are high fives, slap some skin, offer paws of friendship, lay, roll over, speak loud and whisper. Oh and did I mention that I actually talk. My Nanny and Pop can understand me which is totally cool. Some of the words that I say are: Hello, Nanny, Gina, I love you and uh huh. Maybe one day I can be on a television show such as Pet Star.