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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Work is important to me. A man that does not work neither should he eat. If a man cannot find a job when he is earnestly trying should be help but a lazy man should starve.
In addition, I am also politically active as a member of the Petersburg Republican Committee. I just recently was asked to be the PRC's webmaster. I am an amateur but is not a bad site.
Right now, I have plan my intentions to run for City Council in Petersburg, Virginia for the First Ward. Those of you that lives in Petersburg, Ward 1 includes Pin Oaks, Croatan, and Blandford. The next city council election is in May of 2010.
-I will not vote for a tax increase.
-I will push for our mayor to be directly elected by the citizens of Petersburg instead of chosen by the City Council.
-I will push for the golf course to be sold and the proceeds go to hiring more police and raising teachers' salaries.
I believe in limited government, a strong moral code, and low taxation. That is why I am a Republican.
I admire the president of the United States, George W. Bush. Of course Bush is not perfect but he is a man who is sincere in his commitment and principles. The Western World is in a fight for its survival and Bush is one of the few world leaders that realizes that.
I voted for him in 2000 and 2004.
Right now, it is apparent that John McCain will be the Republican nominee. I do not agree with him on several major issues but I believe that he is more capble to lead the country in the right direction than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
We must have the resolve to continue to fight the threat of Islamofascism which is a cluster of evil around the globe.
I am also backing former Governor Jim Gilmore in his candidacy for Senate. Governor Gilmore has a proven record of cutting taxes and is a solid conservative. He is eloquent in emphasizing the values of Virginia conservatism. We need him in the Senate instead of that dishonest tax-hiker Mark Warner.

My Interests

religion, politics, history

I'd like to meet:

President Bush, Fred Thompson, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity

I have already met my favorite politician, George Allen. I have met Mitt Romney, and Jim Gilmore.

Most of all,

Yahshua the Messiah and Yahweh

One day, Yahshua is going to present me to his father, Yahweh.


gospel, messianic, country, all types of music

I coming to really enjoy Rissi Palmer.


Chronicles of Narnia, Luther


Mainly religious programming and the news.


The Bible, of course

I am an avid reader. Recently, I have read Conscience of a Majority, Icons of Evolution, and Out of the Barrios.

I looking to pick up more books by Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, and other conservatives.

I love historical writings also. The writings of Martin Luther, Edmund Burke, John Calvin, and other great writers that shaped the world that we live in today.


I have no heroes but there are people that I greatly admire.My Grandmother (Elizabeth H.) is someone I really love and admire. She has the biggest heart I know. My Overseer Emeritus (Woodrow W.), my mother (Truemiller W.), my former pastor (Vernon W.) and my present Nasi (Joseph W. G.) I love them all.
I respect men and women that pave ways for others overcoming the most difficult obstacles.
Those would include Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, current president George W. Bush, Thomas Jefferson, William J. Seymour, Bishop Sherrod C. Johnson, and Shaliach (Apostle) Shaul (Paul).My only true hero is YHWH who has redeemed me by the blood of Yahshua and through Him, both you and I are here breathing. Though the sins of mankind are numerous, YHWH still has mercy and grace to forgive us of all sin if we would just turn from our wicked ways and come to Him.
YHWH is heroic because the way He forgives us no matter what.
YHWH tov v'nifla; baruch hashem YHWH (YHWH is good and wonderful; bless the name of YHWH.)
President George W. Bush
late former President Ronald Reagan
civil rights leader Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
radio commentator Rush Limbaugh
televangelist Pat Robertson

My Blog


When someone asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government did the framers orchestrated for the United States back in 1787, he replied, "A republic if you can keep it." Back in the 1780s, the preval...
Posted by PNHW on Wed, 07 May 2008 05:20:00 PST

Bush’s Compassionate Conservatism

When George W. Bush expressed a new brand of conservatism which he called compassionate conservatism, many rank and file conservatives like Rush Limbaugh gauked at him saying that conservatism is...
Posted by PNHW on Sat, 03 May 2008 03:40:00 PST

The Roots of A Strong Economy: The Investor

Both Hillary and Obama promise that if they are elected that they will increase taxes on corporations and the "rich." From the standpoint of someone with moderate income that sounds like an equitable ...
Posted by PNHW on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:34:00 PST

The Purpose of City Council

We need to ask ourselves when we vote for city council representatives a simple and basic question: What is the purpose of city council?Unfortunately, the men and women that are elected to the city co...
Posted by PNHW on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 02:22:00 PST

The City of Petersburg may buy an old night club!

..> Here we go again.After buying a golf course for 4 million dollars...---After overpaying for the old train stattion...---Now, your Petersburg City Council is in the process of buying the Pink Pal...
Posted by PNHW on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 03:19:00 PST

Three-dimensional conservatism

Conservatism cannot be easily defined by one issue or a certain aspect of issues. A candidate cannot take one side of a certain debate and then be declared as a bonified conservative. Since the beginn...
Posted by PNHW on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 06:14:00 PST

Hillary’s forced healthcare plan

We are being led to believe that Hillary has a massive plan to provide "healthcare" for the uninsured. Of course, Barack Obama and John Edwards are proposing similar plans that is being thought as pla...
Posted by PNHW on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:09:00 PST

The fallacy of gay marriage

I have nothing against what a man or woman does in thier own house or what they do privately.Government should never penalize or punish homosexuals for being homosexual.However, for legal purposes, go...
Posted by PNHW on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 03:37:00 PST

10 good reason why Hilary Clinton should be the DEM nominee

1. She is the wife of Bill Clinton.2. Bill Clinton gave her a wedding ring.3. She slept with Bill Clinton, (although that would qualify some other women for the Democratic nomination)4. Her marriage t...
Posted by PNHW on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 02:45:00 PST

Why Fred Thompson?

As I view and sum up all the presidential candidates for 2008, I asked myself what type of man or woman do I want to lead the nation in 2009. I refuse to choose someone because they are a woman, black...
Posted by PNHW on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 07:02:00 PST