religion, politics, history
President Bush, Fred Thompson, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity
I have already met my favorite politician, George Allen. I have met Mitt Romney, and Jim Gilmore.
Most of all,
Yahshua the Messiah and Yahweh
One day, Yahshua is going to present me to his father, Yahweh.
gospel, messianic, country, all types of music
I coming to really enjoy Rissi Palmer.
Chronicles of Narnia, Luther
Mainly religious programming and the news.
The Bible, of course
I am an avid reader. Recently, I have read Conscience of a Majority, Icons of Evolution, and Out of the Barrios.
I looking to pick up more books by Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, and other conservatives.
I love historical writings also. The writings of Martin Luther, Edmund Burke, John Calvin, and other great writers that shaped the world that we live in today.
I have no heroes but there are people that I greatly admire.My Grandmother (Elizabeth H.) is someone I really love and admire. She has the biggest heart I know. My Overseer Emeritus (Woodrow W.), my mother (Truemiller W.), my former pastor (Vernon W.) and my present Nasi (Joseph W. G.) I love them all.
I respect men and women that pave ways for others overcoming the most difficult obstacles.
Those would include Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, current president George W. Bush, Thomas Jefferson, William J. Seymour, Bishop Sherrod C. Johnson, and Shaliach (Apostle) Shaul (Paul).My only true hero is YHWH who has redeemed me by the blood of Yahshua and through Him, both you and I are here breathing. Though the sins of mankind are numerous, YHWH still has mercy and grace to forgive us of all sin if we would just turn from our wicked ways and come to Him.
YHWH is heroic because the way He forgives us no matter what.
YHWH tov v'nifla; baruch hashem YHWH (YHWH is good and wonderful; bless the name of YHWH.)
President George W. Bush
late former President Ronald Reagan
civil rights leader Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
radio commentator Rush Limbaugh
televangelist Pat Robertson