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About Me

"YOU ONLY GET WHAT YOU GIVE" If you can't open your heart, if you can only sit bitter inside and pretend you are content with a false smile on your face, if you list your material goods as if this is the achievement of life......you are empty. You need to be filled with love and energy from someone who is willing and able and ready to love. Yet you stupid guys keep pushing it away. That serves no purpose and only gives negative energy out into the world. The only ones I've found who aren't like this? Guess what, they are from another country or native culture.Why are you people so bitter? What makes you think you have the right to treat other people that way? What does it serve you to be bitter and cold to someone who is trying to reach out to you? I have an answer to that one: IT SERVES NO PURPOSE. You think you are getting back at someone for what has happened to you, but that doesn't give any healing to anyone. That makes you as bad as the person who hurt you! Empty, useless, stupid, selfish, backwards behavior! It's almost as if you hate someone who isn't like yourself. SCHADEFREUNDE, look it up! i.e. "pleasure taken from observing the misery of another"I have no idea how you can rationalize such behavior. You can't! It's stupid excuses only. As Cher said in Moonstruck: "YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHOSE EVER SHED A TEAR?!" You are not! But if you want to live the rest of your life as bitter, distrustful, pompous, false people....I feel sad for you, deeply sad and frustrated that you allow yourselves to be that way. Don't justify it either by saying: "I try to be kind other times" or "I am good to my family" or "I donate to charities" etc etc ad nauseum etc. that's just a cop out.Get over yourselves! Enjoy the day, be good to everyone, don't think too much of yourself. Don't give up on love (You only get what you give!), but especially don't give up on people!~Nina~Lil'Mama~DragonFya~Da Counsla~Nina is da gutta gutta. Don't sugarcoat shit for nobody and gets whateva and/or whoeva needs to be done, handled like it's nothing. I go a 1000 w/ my shit while ppl out here barely on 1%. Nina is passionate, meanwhile, hard. I guess you could say that Nina is the nigha mentality in me. Just like a nigha gotta have that 9 (Nina) on his side, I wouldn't be as thorough as I am w/o the Nina in me...lol. Don't get it twisted tho, Nina is far from being trigger happy...mos definitely possess dat common sense. I am an extremely laid back type of shorty that wants the best for all that cross my path and gives that extra push like a mama to make 'em get it, which is where I got Lil' Mama. Just about e'rybody rocks with me N 4 those that don't, trust me @ some point they did...they just f'd up and can't fix it, so now they hate!! I come from a thread so rare, it's damn near impossible to find which is where DragonFya comes in...lol. In other words, I am unique in every way that you could possibly compare me to another female besides the obvious. I'm far from violent, but I don't take no ish. I am a bull by nature, which is normally mistaken as a beast of terror. Nah yo, I'm not like that at all. It goes like this...You gotta step into my green pastures waving a white flag, letting me know you coming with sense. Otherwise, I see nothing but red, feel threatened, so of course I'ma take ya ass out. I enjoy nature to the fullest and find myself becoming more and more peaceful and humble everyday. Those that know me & got mah math 2 hit me up, call me Da Counsla. I also find myself helping others so much, @ one point I completely forgot about handling my own agenda, which took me back to da basics. So @ this current time in my life, I'm helping me. Don't be mad about it...DAMN. I mean, how can I help you if I'm unableto help myself? (REALLY THO) I can still help individuals that may need it, but I have stuff of my own to do first. I am determined to get this music, writing and a few organizations off the ground. My time to play and procrastinate ended...I gotta get this legacy going for my Sons to take over...ya dig? Get @ me...Stay blessed, find contentment, be peaceful, and fuck stress.Peace, ~GHOST~

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Kat Williams - Haters

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Kat Williams - Haters

Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 23:45:00 GMT

Man without Male

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Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 16:46:00 GMT

Currently Thinking

Only ya pleasures taken so serious Mine come along & you simply make promises Leaving ya presence, really believing This time round nobody would need us During the evening, I realized it would jus...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:38:00 GMT


Crack fiends a hustlas dream Drive thru 2 mins or less Pearly cream magnum, Louis V dress See tha tears in ya eyes when mwah fly by Already peeped the hatred deep in ya mind Prayn you can once again s...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:23:00 GMT


Got da 9 aimd @ ya head early in the mornin Death is what got your family mournin Body dropd dead soon as I pointed Quit sleepin on bitches, won't get disappointed Same shit daily basis Grindin my way...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:16:00 GMT

Runner Up

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Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 20:00:00 GMT

Hip Hop: Dead or Alive?

Hip hop aint's dead, just a lot of knuckleheads opening they mouf, gettin paid for shit coming out while the young old heads sit back think it out struggle lil bit comes humble blessings with it watch...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 06:33:00 GMT