HypNotiqHottie profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

YoU cAn CaLl Me "ReE". I hAvE a bEaUtIfUl DaUgHtEr NaMeD RiSsAlYn AkA mEi WhO iSh NoW 5 bOrN MaY 16, 2002 at 7:31 p.m. i AlSo HaVe A dArLiNg SoN nAmEd RaYsEn JaY wHo IsH nOw 1 yEaR oLd BoRn JuNe 18, 2006 (FaThEr'S dAy)at 12:57 p.m. i Am FrEnDlY 2 mOsT pEePo & AlSo IsH a CaRiNg & LoVaBlE pErSoN. LiKeS 2 gO sHoPpInG & wAtChInG mOvIeS. lOvEs CoOkIeS & cReAm IcE cReAm, ChEeSeCaKe, LoLLiPoP, mAnGo, WaTeRmElOn... Ok, NoW i'M sTaRtInG 2 sOuNd LiKe A PIGGG hmmm.. wEllS, jUsT aSk Me If U wAnNa KnO mOrE......Raysen Jay...

My Interests

-dancing -spending time with my kids -reading (yeah imma dork)-watch'n my soap operas -spending time with family & frends -shopping -eating -sleeping -going to the beach -just chillin..

I'd like to meet:

OuTgOiNg & FrEnDlY pEePo...NoT nO sNoBs Or StUcKuPs, PeEpO wHo ArE tOtAl ASSHOS (U kNo WhO u ArE), bAcKsTaBbErS, oR PLAYAS!!! bUt YeAh, I'd LiKe 2 MeEt AnYbOdY iF yOu'Re Up 2 It........iW-HypNotiq Hottie-iW....


-hip-hop -R&B -rap -hayn -slow songs...R... ...J...
....Rissalyn Mei...




-Young & The Restless -B&B -Guiding Light


Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts


God is my hero...