-dancing -spending time with my kids -reading (yeah imma dork)-watch'n my soap operas -spending time with family & frends -shopping -eating -sleeping -going to the beach -just chillin..
OuTgOiNg & FrEnDlY pEePo...NoT nO sNoBs Or StUcKuPs, PeEpO wHo ArE tOtAl ASSHOS (U kNo WhO u ArE), bAcKsTaBbErS, oR PLAYAS!!! bUt YeAh, I'd LiKe 2 MeEt AnYbOdY iF yOu'Re Up 2 It........iW-HypNotiq Hottie-iW....
-hip-hop -R&B -rap -hayn -slow songs...R... ...J...
....Rissalyn Mei...
-Young & The Restless -B&B -Guiding Light
Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts
God is my hero...