Drak profile picture


I have become the person, that I have always wanted to become.

About Me

I am a simple body sculpture, that enjoys the simple things in life.Friends,Life,Art,planning for the future and solving problems.I like to embrace the moment ( even if it isn't what I want it to be because I can learn from it) I am Allergic to Drama and will not have it in my life.I don't like labels nor do I chose to be bond by them.I do own a small corporation and have a day job that I enjoy very much.feel free to ask me anything that you would like to know because I really don't have nor believe in secrets. I am an open book.

My Interests

body sculpting,and investing, making friends,networking investing in models and photographers,make up artist and artist of all kinds and more. My Life is almost something out of a book when it comes to adventures,so when I can I try to stop the world and spend it with close family and friends. Not much into Dating , I think it sets an expectation that actually ruins a relationship because it isn't being natural.but I do enjoy people

I'd like to meet:

I have almost complete control of my life, my interest are people that are mature enough to look inward to make themselves better also.I love helping people improve their lives but wont do it for them. I love to meet and love chatting with people.My time is important because I dont get a lot of it to myself.I will love helping people all the time,but I cant and wont do it for you, help yourself also please :) take my kindness as weakness & I'll take your life as a joke


music that enhance the joy in the environment that I am enjoying, everyone in my life has a theme song that go through my head and when I hear it brings me closer to them and the time I spent with them. so as long as I have music I will never be alone ;)


I love many movies.I am just so busy I never seem have time to sit and watch them. but I like horror and Italian crime movies the most


Gene Simmons Family Jewels show is actually the life I live. If you wish to know more about me, just watch that show, I am Gene just not a multimillionaire (yet),with kids.{seriously}, South park,The Simpson's,and of course family guy.. you have to see that..LMAO


Wealth without risk,The 5 lessons I learned from a millionaire,8 weeks to optimum health,Muscle Mag and a new magazine by the name Reps.


Gene Simmons isn't my hero at all or a person of interest,but if you watch his show basically that is my life except for the $ and being a rock star, or kids Mr. Rogers (read about him he is amazing),FDR,Ernie off of sesame st. other then that I don't want to be disappointed so I have people I admire some of their traits but to have a "hero" only sets a person up for disapointment..

My Blog

family of Road Runners.

today when Claudia VonKatt was in the back yard, she noticed a family of Road Runners that live back there (beep beep).Lola my oldest cat will not be happy about this, but I think there will be no tro...
Posted by Drak on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:49:00 PST

something I stole from Heaven

1. Take into account that GREAT LOVE and great achievements involve great risk. 2.  When you lose, don't lose the lesson. 3.  Follow the three R's:Respect for selfRespect for others and ...
Posted by Drak on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 02:15:00 PST

for all the people looking for nice girls/guys

have you ever thought about where are all the nice guys/girls.what has happened to them?where do they do and what drove them away.myself I am immune to such things, because I live in a different world...
Posted by Drak on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:45:00 PST

concept of self

Driving in today, from the gym. I started to reflect on myself..(maybe too much Monster..LOL)I dont feel like I am old, I dont feel like I am young.but I feel like I am both.Sometimes I catch my thoug...
Posted by Drak on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 06:52:00 PST

Learning to Live....

Learning to live isnt as difficult as so many people makeit out to be.just simply take control.that is it, and when you have control keep control.There are things that are going to happen that you can...
Posted by Drak on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 05:17:00 PST

It is all how we see the world.

about an hour ago.my Motorcycle was stolen.now there are a few rush of emotions that I could have, but you could go crazy about such things.I really enjoyed it and it brought great joy in my life. Fro...
Posted by Drak on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 03:44:00 PST

just a vent :)

My life is in control, atleast the corner of my world is.:)I have little worries and everything is going well and as expected.Been having wierd thoughts, and thought maybe I should put them on paper (...
Posted by Drak on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 06:59:00 PST

a movie that made me think....

It was a simple stupid movie by the name "Freedom Writers"what captivated me was that it was a place in the USA that was so much more different than the world that I live in.I am usually not much into...
Posted by Drak on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 11:49:00 PST

May 28 08 photos that I had shot

I have been working very hard on my entire body, maybe not abbs as much as I would like but I am happy for the most part.I weighed in at 218 when I had these photos shot.Claudia VonKatt had a photogra...
Posted by Drak on Thu, 29 May 2008 06:26:00 PST

Ballence in Fitness

I cant speak for anyone else but I have noticed how much everything over laps into everything else.I myself cant bodybuild unless I eat right , sleep right, use correct form on my lift with proper wei...
Posted by Drak on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:14:00 PST