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About Me

My name is Jerry. Not a very common name for my generation of Americans. But that's cool though because I don't have a common, hence BORING, name. Usually whenever I hear my name shouted in a crowd, it's probably someone who knows me yelling to get my attention. Also cool. Because who else is named Jerry? You could yell a common name and get a bunch of people to turn at you. Speaking of common names, I have multiple cousins in my family with the same names. It gets very confusing at family events. It's not confusing, however, when we don't have to figure out with Jerry the wrapped Christmas gift with my name in the "TO:" section belongs to. That makes the unwrapping process a lot easier and more enjoyable.
Enough about my name though. More about ME! I'm 26 years young going on 17. I'll probably always be 'going on 17' until the day I die. I don't mean that in the sense that I'm going to be listening to Emo, dress like a fudgepacker, or pretend I'm black for the rest of my life. What that means is I'm always going to be fun-loving and energetic for the rest of my life. Of course I understand that a certain level of maturity must be present at certain times. That's fine; I can accept that. But I only get one shot at enjoying the life I have because there will come a time when I'll cross the finish line and whatever is left of me will go to saving a few lives via the little 'donor' symbol on my license.
I've chosen for my life to have one purpose, which is to be able to express myself musically to as many people as possible before I go completely deaf from all of the loud sounds I'm surrounded by. As a child, I was really only able to express how I felt by playing a certain song that best described my mood at that particular moment. If I was angry, I listened to a song that was empowering and heavy. If I was in a bouncy mood, I played something fast and happy. It's hard to put into words how I feel about things, which is why I took the musical approach.
I could go on like I did before I reedited this page, but why bore you, the reader, with rambling and random thoughts? If you wish to inquire more about me, don't be bashful, just send me a message and ask for yourself.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YOU! Seriously. New people rock. Getting to know someone for the first time is so much fun. All of these questions get asked and you find out about new and exciting things. Also many many stories get told. I love the whole 'story-time' session when you're talking to someone you just met and are getting to know. It's more entertaining than a movie because you're right there in front of the people hearing the story and it's better than books on tape because the person telling you the story is, again, RIGHT THERE in front of you.

I'd also like to meet cereal killers, rapists, pedophiles, and members of the KKK, as does my Louisville Slugger that I keep in the garage. The Slugger and I have much to discuss with you people. Yeah, I said it... YOU PEOPLE! What?

In all seriousness, if you're a good person, enjoy life, and aren't fake, then you qualify to be put in the category of people I'd like to meet.

My Blog

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