Princess April profile picture

Princess April

I know I'm a Princess. My Father is the King of Kings!

About Me

I currently reside in Huntsville, AL. Sweet Home Alabama! It's gorgeous here. I graduated high school from Tucaloosa County High! Go Wildcats! I graduated college from Alabama A&M University. Go Bulldogs! (Still have a little cheerleader in me :)Well, let me see...I consider myself to be a pretty happy person that loves just about everybody. A favorite quote of mine is "Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence." I recieved my degree in Elementary Education with a dual in Early Childhood Education. Gotta love the kids, you know. I have such a passion for my profession that I believe that I`m going to have such a profound effect on the children I will teach, they`re going to change world! What I want out of life, just to be short, is just to be successful, happy, and loved.Wondering why I love people? Check out my fam. 2 Sisters; Mary Joy and Crystal, and three brothers Kaloski, Jeremy, and Joshua.I have two babies at home (not real babies, my pups) Ginger and Honey. I love them to death!The most inspirational and influential person in my life next to my Lord and Savior, is my Mom. She`s the strongest most beautiful woman there is. She has inspired and supported me so much and is responsible for who I am today. She is everything that I strive to be; my motivator, mentor, and maker; a woman so incredible to me.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowMyspace For Girls Only - Contact Tables..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: April K. Brown
Birthdate:: April 15th, 2006 (No I wasn't named April because I was born in April. My mom just liked the name, really.)
Birthplace:: Tuscaloosa, AL
Current Location:: Huntsville, AL
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: About three colors of black and browns. I going though a hair color phase right now.
Height:: 5'5" and a half (yes, I had to add in the half)
Your webpage:: It's a reflection of me and my personality
Are you taken?: Yes and it's soooo awesome!
Are you a virgin?: no
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: 2 pups, Ginger (shih-tzu) and Honey (rescused mut). They are plastered all over my page!
What's your job?: 4th grade teacher
What's your Dream Job?: To be on actress/singer on Broadway
Who is your best friend?: My love, my sister Joy and Gena
What instruments do you play?: Is my voice considered an instrument?
What are your hobbies?: singing, dancing, acting, making people laugh, making crafts
What are your goals?: To be happy, successful, loved, and remembered after I'm gone
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: Sky dive no, bungee jump, yes!
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: bible, motivational/inspirational, nonfiction, fashion/beauty
How would do describe yourself?: misunderstood
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: teaching reading (I know, but I'm math and reading is killing me)
What do you daydream about?: marrying the love of my life
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: Christianity
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: I would smile more
Two:: Rid myself of my fears of everything
Three:: Inspire and motivate more people positively
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: Outgoing
Spender or Saver?: both
Truth or Dare?: both, I love being honest, but I'm also a risk taker
Books or Movies?: movies, I'm definitely not a reader
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: Romantic Comedies are my favorite!!!
Cats or Dogs?: Uh...dogs, of course.
Mountain or Beach?: mountains
Sweet or Salty?: sweet
Do You...
Smoke?: no
Drink?: occassionally
Get annoyed easily?: no
Like to travel?: as long as I don't have to fly or drive
Like to drive fast?: no, that's dangerous
Sing well?: some people tell me that I do
Want kids?: as many as I'm financially able to have
-----What would you name a boy?: Noah Alexander or Christian Cade
-----What would you name a girl?: Emily Joy or something exotic
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: Lots of times. In pageants, talent shows, church, etc.
Been in a car accident?: only fender benders
Been out of the country? Where?: yes, Cancun and Canada
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: Beyonce's B-Day
The last movie you saw in the theater?: The Grid Iron
The last movie you rented?: Can't remember (tried to rent "Blankman" though)
Your greatest fear?: Not living a happy exsistence
Your greatest strength?: Experience
Your greatest weakness?: Naiveness
Your happiest memory?: My junior year in college
Your Favorite...
Movie:: The Notebook and Beauty and the Beast (the Disney version)
TV Show:: Everybody Loves Raymond and Grey's Anatomy
Actor:: Mathew McConaughey, hey, hey, hey!
Actress:: Angela Bassett
Food:: Mac and Cheese
Drink:: Water
Color:: Pink, of course!
Scent:: Escada Magnetism
Season & WHY:: Summer and I love my summer wardrobe
Day of the week & WHY:: Friday, last day of work week, pay day, so on...
Store:: Walmart, it's only like the best store ever!
Quote:: "Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence"
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: It's just wrong.
Homosexuality:: wrong, but I try not to judge
God:: He's awesome!
Jesus:: I wanna be like him
Satan:: Gets on my nerves
Heaven:: Where I trying to go
Hell:: Not where I'm trying to go
Miracles:: Happen everyday
Astrology:: interestering to read, but not to be taken seriously
War:: Uneccessary. Can't we all just get along?
Ghosts:: Believe they exist, or something like that
Reincarnation:: Nah, think that it's a little stupid
Karma:: Just the world's way of justifying the "Golden Rule"
Luck:: No such thing, it's called a blessing
Aliens:: I think it would be completely selfish of people to believe that we are the only ones that exist in the entire universe. I jus don't believe that they are little green men.
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My Interests

Singing, dancing, writing, sodoku puzzles,shopping, knitting, tumbling, karaoke, talking, making people laugh, hair, makeup, cooking, drawing, stepping, making anything crafty, scrapbooking, taking pictures, ebaying, and of course, my future husband! LOL!!!Check out our wedding website
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I'd like to meet:

Jesus! I don't know about you, but I'm trying to meet him and not the other guy. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


R&B, country, rock, pop, oldies, just about anything except NO TECHNO. Techno music is just plain wrong! Favorite Artists: Brian McKnight, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, and Whitney Houston


Among my favorites are "The Notebook", "A Lot Like Love", and "Beauty and the Beast" (yes, the Disney version. I still tear up everytime I see that last rose petal fall to the ground) As you can see, I'm a bit of a romantic. I also love musicals.


"Everybody Love Raymond" It's hilarious!!!! "Grey's Anatomy" I'm convinced that I want to be friends with all the characters, even though I know they aren't real. I also like American Idol and America's Next Top Model. During the summer, I'm a big "court show" junkie.I LOVED THIS EPISODE OF GREY'S ANATOMY. CLICK ON IT TO PLAY! IT WAS AWESOME!.. width="425" height="350" ..


The Bible, Suze Orman financial books, self help, motivational, and just about anything non fiction.


JESUS, My Mom, and Beyonce (of course!)
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My Blog

What???? I'm being graded. I'm not in school anymore!

LOL!  I had the funniest day today.  My boss basically embarrassed most of the faculty, me being one of them.  I know you are thinking "how could that be funny?" Well, I'm one of those ...
Posted by Princess April on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:56:00 PST

Be a Haw, not a Hem. Move with the Cheese!

Today I was inspired to "move with the cheese" or otherwise "remain in a cheeseless situation".  I know you are wondering....uh....what are you talking about.  Well, today I read the interna...
Posted by Princess April on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:24:00 PST

I love my job!

What a long day, but I can truly say it was a blessed one.  In the last few days, I've realized how much I love my job.  There had been many times in the last few years when I just wanted to...
Posted by Princess April on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 06:36:00 PST

Love ALL People

It helps me to write and get a visual of things that are in my head.  That way I can go over them repeatedly to achieve full understanding and when I need to.  Often, I write about issues th...
Posted by Princess April on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 11:08:00 PST


Today I was thinking and I came to this conclusion.  Some things you just get "too old" for.  I never really thought about it, but that's such a true statement, not just in a sense of age, b...
Posted by Princess April on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 01:48:00 PST


After reading today, I had a reflection, that I thought I'd share with you.  Forgiveness.  What is it? Forgiveness has been described as a quality by which one ceases to feel resentment aga...
Posted by Princess April on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:09:00 PST

New to this thing

Well, my first blog.  How cute!!! Not exactly sure how this works or actually what a blog is.  I guess it a bunch of your thoughts compiled into what we called a "blog".  I'm on va...
Posted by Princess April on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:16:00 PST