a|eNuLLs |xaBeLLa profile picture

a|eNuLLs |xaBeLLa

::.a|eNuLLs |n dA hOusE.::

About Me

Title Of Page
Name is Aienull...Luv orange||black n white||number 5||im nOt tHaT taLl n im nOt thAt shOrT,im nOt tHaT ChuBby n im not tHat sLim [ uhh but now a bit fat toLongggggggg!! :(( ],im nOt prEtTy n im nOt ThAt ugLy,im nOt tHat |nteLL|gEnt n |m nOt thAt sTup|d,|m nOt tHat fuSsy bUt a Lil b|t chOosY|| Born under cat:p Cat ~~~You r very shy and cute. You are a follower and don't like to talk to people you dont know. You're very careful about choosing your friends. You're really nice.=D

My Interests

`TeNn|s``aKadEm| FanTas|a` `cHaTt|n``s|ng|n


::..My Fav SoNgs..:: `mAr|ah cAreY's``bOyzII mEn's``h|phOp``bLacK eYeD pEaS[-wHeRe iS tHe LoVe- -sHuT uP-]``akAdem| fanTas|a's`~~|m a un|verSaL acTuaLly =D~~


::..My Fav MovieS..:: `hOw To LosE a GuY |n 10dAys``aDa Apa dGn CiNta`


:::..M y F a v s H o W..::: ..aKadEmi FanTasiA.. /cArToOn sHow - ChaNnEL 61/ ..MeLod| :)) gOsS|p² :O..


e u W w w ~~!! nOt a BoOkWorM bUt i Luv maGazines ~~ Eh! :p


e u W w w ~~!! dexTer~~

My Blog

Pengalaman aneh DJ disko

Pengalaman aneh DJ disko: SAYA BERTAUBAT KUALA LUMPUR: Pengalaman menjengah alam kubur ketika koma selepas terbabit dalam kemalangan jalan raya kira-kira empat tahun lalu, merupakan satu detik y...
Posted by a|eNuLLs |xaBeLLa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST