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Michael G. Breece

...demystifying art music...

About Me

In short: married , reclusive, 37 year old, untrained and uneducated, janitor who toils away in obscurity on sonic art (aka: musical expressions i.e.: weird shit to help alleviate my troubled mind) into the wee hours of the night.

Classical music for the working class, yes. Driving to and fro work, no. At the pub, no. Before a worker's rights rally, no. Think more...after you've thrown in the towel on your life and you're in the car with a bomb strapped to your chest heading toward your bosses house or an ex-lover's, THIS is YOUR soundtrack! Or...What is needed, when you're stuck at just 9 prostitutes murdered, to take your streak to the NEXT! level? MY music, that's what! How about when it's 3 in the A.M. and your sitting on the couch drunk watching tv with the sound off as Suzanne Summers has a nervous breakdown on the home shopping network? Well, I'M YOUR MAN! Just press play and my music shall guide you.

Album downloads
This is where you can find the straightest shooting, hardest hitting and most dope observations on music...MY observations. Nah, it's really a travel log (very much warts & all) of the crusade to get me and my music heard and dealt with.
Introverts World
"Obviously Cage, Stockhausen and the rest have no currency in the working class, so criticism of their work is relatively unimportant." sayeth Cornelius Cardew
Me replieth: Can't agree with that (well, other than EVERY modern classical composer having very little currency in the working class), as an ACTUAL member of the working class (unlike Cardew himself or Karl Marx, for that matter)...I'm huge on (the concept of) Cage (as a liberator of music - very socialist, in the art-abstract) and also big on Stockhausen (pompous as he might be).
Can art music make it beyond academia?
First off I should state where I’m coming from: I’m an uneducated (what does that mean? That mean’s I dropped out of school only to barely graduate a bit late with a high school diploma, last time I paid actual attention in school was about the first day. High school diploma, yes. Actual level of formal education, probably about 7th grade) and untrained (as in, technically my musical chops couldn’t even keep me in the truest of punk bands – beyond music, I’m not trained for jack shit) janitor (the highest paying and longest lasting job I’ve ever had) who grew up in an equally uneducated blue-collar household (family line) where there was virtually no music or culture to speak of. Another way of saying, my “cred” (or formally lack thereof) is for real in those regards (speaking of that, I even lived in “da hood” for a little while to boot – no thanks, empty 40 O’s, strangers playing dominos on my porch at midnight and cockroaches are not my style). So, my shit isn’t “ironic” (as the kids today like to be) or fake in any way.
Despite this…I do realize that the quote below was written in order to make a (very valid) point to those visiting your more academic (classically oriented) site.
“yeah i've sampled from these pieces a hundred times without anyone's permission, but without the dope beats would your music ever make it beyond academia?”
Sure it would, it’s all a matter of natural intelligence (and the curiosity that tends to go with that) and a well stocked public library (worked for me) and/or a solid local radio station that plays things by names other than Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Haydn, Schubert, etc.
Some points:
1) Too many within the art/classical music world need to WAKE-UP to the dawning of a new day (which began, ohhh, some 50 or so YEARS ago, more depending on how one wishes to see things) in art/classical music (ie: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Haydn, Schubert, etc, are DEAD and LONG GONE – fine, appreciate their music, but…come on, it’s time…it really is…to move on with your life in music).
2) Spreading the word to those BEYOND academia. Best way is still a good independent radio station (preferably of the old school kind, though the internet can reach some as well still not quite as many I don’t think). My wife took art music to a “regular Joe” pub in England (that was a sharp idea) and had a DJ night where she spun all sorts of classical music (some Beethoven or whatever to draw them in easy then BAM with some modern shit). Concert halls, however, tend to be too damned “stuffy” for the likes of the blue-collar (I know it is for me and I’m, generally speaking, more “worldly” than most blue-collars) unless it’s not in a typical hall but rather more like a pub/coffee house/warehouse space/things of that sort.
3) Along with that, is to loosen the suffocating choke-hold that academia has on the music. By that I mean to talk about it in less technical terms to allow an “IN” to the world of classical music. For folks to experience it and explore it the way they would (say) pop music. As opposed to being intimidated of getting the boot for not pronouncing a name correctly (hey, I literally caught that one once by some pedantic twat when I said “DebU-hard u-ssy” to which he promptly laughed at me and said “it’s Debuuu-soft u-ssy” if I remember correctly I think this asshole even added an "a" at the end "Debuuussaaay" – come to find that most classical DJ’s, at least, say it how I do) or calling out someone for not knowing music theory or the difference between a “concerto” and a “sonata” (and whatnot).
Personally, I went through a period (in my teens-through-early 20’s – we’re talking around 1986-93) where I listened to hip-hop (or rap) that reached a point that I virtually only listened to rap and Tom Waits (toward the end of the period in my early 20’s). Though after that I lost sight of hip-hop entirely. So, I’m not gonna touch upon the virtues of implementing art music/classical with hip-hop (a combination I likely would’ve done myself as an artist in the early 90’s had I lived in NYC or LA rather than Indiana at the time, where no rappers were even REMOTELY into the weird shit I was sampling and mixing with beats back then).
Nonetheless, as an uneducated, extremely non-academic (shit, college campuses almost literally make me sick to step into – the few I have), uncultured, blue-collar guy…I was able to see my way through to modern classical/art music (the largest part of my listening diet for many years now – it really all started about 16 years ago for me, thanks to the well stocked public library in Indy).
So again to answer your rhetorical question (can art music make it beyond academia without beats)…yes. And in the process as well, consider your own music to officially have.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/29/2006
Band Website: mgb.home.pipeline.com/
Influences: Claude Debussy, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pierre Henry, Edgard Varese, Gyorgi Ligeti, Olivier Messiaen, Krzysztof Penderecki, Morton Feldman, Gloria Coates, Mauricio Kagel, Toru Takemitsu, Tangerine Dream, Brian Eno, Cecil Taylor, John Coltrane, Sun Ra, Ken Nordine, Brian Wilson, JS Bach, Thomas Tallis.

However, the vast amount of music I listen to and/or am aware of and/or appreciate is something altogether different...and endless...so, I'll spare that shit list of a scroll. Those above happened upon me at key moments of my life, hence the "influential" element. Nor will I sit here and pretend that I live in some sort of creative cocoon unsoiled by any outside influence (ala how idiots approach and romanticize artists such as Jandek), because that simply isn't true (as it equally isn't for the likes of Jandek and EVERY last one of you assholes, ANYone who's walked the earth, no need to lie, be real). If there's anyone here who could and/or should be allowed to get away with that shit...that would most assuredly be ME - and even I ain't playing that bullshit card.

Arthouse cinema (Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, David Lynch, etc) and various painters (Vincent Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, Max Ernst and whatnot), a few books (shorts by Kafka, "Notes From Underground" by Dostoevsky, "Earthlight" by Andre Breton) and humor (Charles Bukowski, "Raising Arizona", Scorsese's "After Hours", The Simpsons, Steven Wright).

My immediate surroundings (having lived near an airport and railroad/train track, suburbia, downtown/city, industrial/warehouse jobs and so on). Aesthetics, timbre, sound design, sound manipulation, soundscapes, spectral music, spoken word, synthesizers, tone-color, the human voice, avant-garde, field recordings, home recording, psychology of music, musique concrete, noise, do-it-yourself, true indie spirit, modern classical or art music, the darkened corners of life.

Inspirationals include my wife (Caroline M Breece, first and foremost), Reggie Miller (number 31 with circa 1990's era Pacers), Henry Darger, Erik Satie, "Smokin" Joe Frazier, Evander Holyfield and GG Allin.
Sounds Like: Album downloads
Type of Label: None

My Blog

...anyone reading this, pass me and the wife’s download page link around, thanks...

Posted by Michael G. Breece on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 07:41:00 PST

Just a friendly reminder...

This is where you streamline, people. Get the straight dope here. A travel log (very much warts & all) of the crusade to get me and my music heard and dealt with....
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 06:04:00 PST

Prepare your minds for BRAINDEAD!

The Jibberish Series
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 02:33:00 PST

MGB001 + MGB002 = two RARs for free download, enjoy and by all means use responsibly.

You asked for a paragraph...I gave you a novel. (MGB002 2007)1) Howdy!2) Tipping the dishwashers along the way.3) Like a ghost being boiled alive.4) Futile peach come hither.5) Aeon goes to Butlins.6)...
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:22:00 PST

Take a peak inside...The Janitors Closet (youll never think of your janitor the same)

Arriving in a theater near you!"TheJanitorsCloset"First off, my wife is beautiful. I say this as I know that she isn't all that enthused by some of the pics I captured from the work videos (not that I...
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 03:07:00 PST


It took all of 10 whole days to reach the 1,000 friend mark, thank you very much ladies and gentlemen:Zinc SolutionPoint officially made. And to the assholes at the cdr punk label, no motherfucking co...
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:00:00 PST

Graphic Notation

Posted by Michael G. Breece on Sun, 13 May 2007 04:05:00 PST

Keep proletariat art alive!

There's not many of us true working class artists in existence at this stage, everyone has their degrees and their fancy life-styles now, if folks don't push for real proletariat artists...we will sur...
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 05:20:00 PST

Famous Janitors In History

Jackson Pollock, Dustin Hoffman, Kurt Cobain, Al Pacino, Paul Westerberg, Alex Chilton (speculated, unconfirmed) and of course..Mr. Henry Darger.Who else shall appear on this list? Michael and Carolin...
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 01:16:00 PST

EastWest vs Garritan

The wife and I have finally stepped into the 21st century in our purchase of plug-ins. We bought East/West Silver edition Orchestra as well as Finale 2006 which has Garritan Personal Orchestra with/in...
Posted by Michael G. Breece on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 04:00:00 PST