"What song does what to you"
reminds you of an ex-lover/interest:
sleep chamber: catwoman
reminds you of an ex-friend:
strenght through joy: absolute domination
(i hate those nazi stuff)
makes you cry:
klangstabil: vertraut..
makes you laugh:
ThouShaltNot: headhunter
makes you smile:
snog: Al-Qaeda Is Your Best Friend...
sums up your teenage years:
michel baresi: der regent ist tot
you like to go to sleep to:
beefcake: 3 (the whole album)
you like to wake up to:
Les Jumeaux: tungsten
you like out of your parents' record collection:
The who: something of...
you love that you wouldn't know
about if it wasn't for a friend:
makes you think of sex:
in the nursery: amer
makes you think of being alone:
Klangstabil: you may start
you are embarrassed to admit you like:
There is nothing to tell..
perks you up:
atari teenage riot: revolution action
you love to sing:
snog: the human germ
(the non existing second voice)
you love to drive to:
gridlock: chrometaphor
is your newest obsession:
Angry kid:
5f_55, 5F-X, ad noiseam, adrenalin junkies, ah cama sotz,alec empire, ambient, ant-zen, aphex twin, arcana, ars moriendi, asche, atari teenage riot, autechre, black lung, blackhouse, cdatakill, converter,ctrl-alt-del, cyberpunk, d. moebius, dupont, ebm, esplendor geometrico, front 242, h.i.v+, hands, hanin elias, haus arafna, hecate, heimstatt yipotash, hybryds, hymen, hypnoskull, imminent starvation, in slaughter natives, in the nursery, industrial, iszoloscope, klangstabil, kozo inada, laibach, larvae, les jumeaux, loss, merzbow, mono no aware, morgenstern, mother destruction, ms gentur, mz 412, needle sharing, nemuru bijin, nitzer ebb, nkvd, noise unit, noisex, noize, orphx, panacea, pineal gland zirbeldruese, pow(d)er pussy, proyecto mirage, punch inc., rob(u)rang & friends, shorai, skinny puppy, sleep chamber, snog, sona eact, spk, synapscape, tarmvred, test dept., tetsuo, this morn' omina, throbbing gristle, vromb, and many more...
Heiner Mueller: Stuecke
Nikolai Ostrovski: wie der Stahl gehaertet wurde
Sun Tzu: the art of war
Leo Trotzky: Stalins Verbrechen, der junge Lenin, China die erwuergte Revolution
W.I.Lenin: Staat und Revolution
Anne Laschitza: Rosa Luxemburg- im Lebensrausch trotz alledem
Rosa Luxemburg: Briefe aus dem Gefaengnis
Dr. Markus Wolf: Freunde sterben nicht