HmMmMPpPP, dAmI I EnJoY ChAtTiNg SuRfInG ThE NeT, Go oUt wiTh MaH fRiEnD JuSt tO Eat DiNnEr Sa mAkATi, ThEn WaTcH MoViEs WiTh tHeM. SyEmPrE Di mAwAlA SaMiNg MgA GiRlS AnG ShOpPiNg. KaHiT MaubOs nA YuNg sWeLdO Mo As loNg As Im hApPy wITh ThE ThInGs i bUy. At SyEmPrE ThE LaSt bUt NoT ThE LeAsT TeLeBaBaD OvEr ThE pHonE Sa Mga TaonG Me sEnSe kaUsAp LiKe MAh BeStFrIeNd KoRn, kAt, BeS RaymOnD!!!!
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... eternal
Quiz created with MemeGen !
I'd like to meet:
mGa fRiEnDs kO wAy bAcK In hIgHsChOoL AnD CoLlEgE ThoSe PeOpLe tHaT I SharEd My mEmOrABlE ExPeRiences dUrInG mY SchoOl days YoU KnOw wHo aRe yOu gUyS. JuSt aDD Me uP Ok, i MissEd YoU alL =(
R & B, then acoustic, love songs specially
hmmp my bestfrend wedding, monalisa smile, dami basta julia roberts movie any movie that makes me fall inlove again dahil sa mga sweet moments and lines na pwedeng mangyari real life...
sEx iN ThE cItY, FEaR fAcToR
hmmp, little prince