Withers. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Rachel. boring name good story - Harrison Ford + robots. 3-legged cat! indie, alternative, arthouse&hearts . I might be a hater, but I love Sam Butler. Indoor person (Village Green being the exception). Hate summer- it is so uncalled for. crocodiles are Satan. bulletins make me LOL.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Sesame Street

My Interests

books and movies. cats and owls. marathons. dark chocolate.


Jeff Buckley. The Mars Volta. The White Stripes. Radiohead. Placebo. The Cranberries. The Smashing Pumpkins. Nirvana. Bob Dylan. Angus & Julia Stone. The Moldy Peaches. Elliott Smith. Tenacious D. The Doors. At the Drive-In. Oh, and soundtracks, gotta love soundtracks.


Eternal Sunshine. The Royal Tenenbaums. Donnie Darko. Wes Anderson. David Fincher. Johnny Depp. American History X. Will Ferrel. Tim Burton. Edward Norton. Requiem for a Dream. Little Miss Sunshine.


South Park. Arrested Development. Six Feet Under. Prison Break. Clark and Michael&hearts Dexter. Boston Legal. The Mighty Boosh. The Office. Extras. Sex and the City.


Chuck Palahniuk. Bret Easton Ellis. Irvine Welsh. Jonathan Safran Foer. Hunter S. Thompson. Douglas Coupland. George Orwell. Alice in Wonderland. A Clockwork Orange. Harry Potter.


Palahniuk. Anderson. Buckley.

My Blog

finished year 11!!

ya hooray I am finished with year 11... after presentation day ofcourse where I plan on winning several awards and becoming dux ('sif, lol)next year should be severely better, and I shall forget my fa...
Posted by Withers. on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:00 PST

Haettenschweiler; Unt tale of two Schweilers

Haettenschweiler; Unt tale of two Schweilers  An original play by Romy Armstrong and Rachel Withers Cast of characters Hans Blaustein; the local eelsmith, Frida Blaustein; wife of Hans Fritz; ...
Posted by Withers. on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 08:24:00 PST

rachel cures boredom, read on to see how

i am especially bored today, and whilst i would usually spend my time doing something of substance (such as eat or watch tv) i am at the moment in the unusual presence of a computer. as intimidating a...
Posted by Withers. on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:31:00 PST