We're a 4 person workers co-op based in Leeds, UK. We print stuff onto recycled paper and card.
CD Covers
7" Covers
12" Covers
Business Cards
Our website is at www.footprinters.co.uk where you'll find more stuff about us as well as info on making zine printing cheaper, and a few layout tips.
If you want to print your zine really cheaply then come in and print it yourself. We'll show you how to use the machines and be on hand if you need us. You can then have your zine for just a bit more than the cost of the paper and ink.
The video below was made a few years ago as a report to Radical Routes (a network of housing and workers co-ops) so it is completely out of date and a little dry in places (bit like this really). Before its apperance here on myspace it was only ever shown twice. Was still worth doing though. It is about 5 minutes of talking heads and 5 minutes of showing the old printing process to a sound track (if you want to print stuff yourself don't worry it is really easy in this digital age).
Being fickle types we try and put our latest customers at the top of our top friends list so be sure to remind us. I found the following website had some useful code for pimping this page www.deepbox.com