Rebekah profile picture


one day you'll be ready for us to be friends...i just hope its sooner than later..cause i miss you

About Me

I live in the phoneix area and it looks like i might be staying until september then to who knows where...When im not working at 40,000 feet-which is most of the time-im jaunting off on quick trips to explore random places ive never been to and seeing the world! I spent some time in the Air Force, which was the best experience i have had so far, and at times i miss it, but im sooo happy right now. I have a great job, fabulous friends and a family most wish they had....what more could a girl ask for!!!!

My Interests

Traveling, hanging out with friends,live music, wired coffee shop in portland, art shows,reading,being outside in the sun, Seahawk football,experiencing new things....did i say TRAVELING!!!

I'd like to meet:

this summer..i will be heading to...." I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances." - Martha Washington


im such a country girl..but i appreciate all types of music..well except rap ( never have been a fan)...






Im a big reader..the list could go on and on but i like to read books that make me think
