*%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* profile picture

*%*Perfectly Unperfect*%*

I am here for Friends

About Me

Its just me
... your out of the ordinary EPICLY awsome hardcore chick from MOval. im a very outgoing person, love to have fun. i LOVE SPORTS! i play volleybal, softball, FOOTBALL, and bowling!, and yes bowling is a sport for all you haterz out there! yeah you can call me KRAZY most would agree with you, but i can tell you now that i am the Kewlest looser you'll ever meet.i am very down-to-earth,easy to talk to. just living life and enjoying every minute of it! i always love meeting new ppl so feel free to look around my page and dont hesitate to hit me up!k?
v(^-^)v!!Peace Out!!v(^-^)v

eventhough ive only been like 2wice lol)
Dancing in random parkinglots at 2am!-----
im down for almost anything :P
):uh oh:(
(eventhough i can be at times...)
Two-faced people
Judgemental people
anything that negitivly affects the happiness of those close to me

My Interests

I love having fun! So pretty much anything that enables me to do that, im interested in! from being a lazy-face and whatchin movies at home...

or just piggin out andgetting fat with friends... you name id probably like to try doing it. im mean come on you cant knock it if you dont try it!

I'd like to meet:

(-:and everyone:-)

i get along with almoast everyone i meet. as i said before i like meeting new people. as long as they are genuine! i cant stand being around fake two faced people.

soo if you love to have fun! are looser! and ...well... just like to have fun, then your a person id like to meet!


I love all kinds of music, from rap to hard rock, from hip hop to pop, from techno and trance to clasical. once again u name it i like it.

i dont know much about bands and artists and all that jazz. but what i do know is that no matter how crappy a day im having as long as i have my music ill be just fine :)


SUPERBAD was SUPERBAD!! i enjoy comedy, action, comedy and action, dramatic comedy, fantessy/sci fi, and yes, eventhough it threatens my masculinity i must admit that ,yes, i do enjoy the occational chick flick.

basicly any movie that makes you feel something... weather it be happy or sad.


i dont whatch much of the tube now and days. but i do catch my southpark,

nicktoons, anime, and discovery channel programs as much as i can.


i used to hate reading with a passion! but ive grown to enjoy it. the trunk of my car is always full of books from fairy tales, to poetry. i havent been able to read much latley, kind miss it...


one person i admire alot eventhough i give her alot of crap, is my mom, yeah we dont have the best of relationship right now, and yea weve gone through alot over the years, but no matter what happend my mom has always found a way to get through it, shes always been strong and i admire that about her, i really do apprieciate all shes done for me nd i should probably let her know more often. I LOVE YOU MOM!

My Blog

just a but of advice for all you bastards out there lol :)

lol i just read threw all my blogs (yes im that damn board) and damn i am EEEEMMMOOOOOO! LOL but yea i guess becuase i only write about stuff when im sad thats the only way i know how to deal becuas...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 04:14:00 PST

Lifes what you make it!! =D

i think im going through one of those transitional phrases yet again damn change! alway changing on ya lol well idk theres alot of things id like to change about my self alot of bad habbits i wish to ...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 03:04:00 PST

its too late...

I'm holding on your rope,Got me ten feet off the groundI'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down, but waitYou tell me that you're sor...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:48:00 PST

SOOO>>> ;D

yeah so my last date went ok.... ish its sad cause i mean i was really feeling this guy but now.....not so much i dont know what it was exactly... hes a nice guy dont get me wrong.. hes really kew he ...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 11:05:00 PST

so theres this guy...

AAARGGG! why is it that everytime i like a guy. i make things more complicated then they are? idk what it is mabee its just me? or mabee not ok let me start from the begining so theres this guy right?...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:18:00 PST


yeah so homecomming speaches were today. i did ok i couldve done alot better but honestly  it was more important to me to say my whole speach and get my point across than winning honestly going i...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 01:55:00 PST


so im running for homecomming queen! im so excited the events that i get to participate in sound so fun! only cause ima dork and like to make a fool of myself lol but i cant wait! SO COME OUT AND SUPP...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 03:44:00 PST

The Update

sooo much gooing on in my mind right now well first of all I GOT THE JOB AT STARBUCKS!! i start monday at noon! so all my peeps come down and visit me! and i have to applay for ucsd soon wish me luck ...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 04:09:00 PST

im ok... really :)

sorry about the depressing blog posts lately you guys but im better now ive decided to move back in with my parents so i dont have to feel like crap anymore if you dont know whats been going on latley...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:33:00 PST

Just when i thought everything was ok.....

this past year has been complete hell for me parents divorced moved in with grandma whos alot stricter than my parents so i cant go out much almost lost my best friends sary and leah its seemed lik al...
Posted by *%*Perfectly Unperfect*%* on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:21:00 PST