JoSh profile picture


Rest In Peace "Grandpa" see you in Heaven "ExPeRieNCe iS NOt What HappeNs to You. IT iS What You Do

About Me

MySpace LayoutsMy Name is Josh. I coMe From A BiG FaMiLY. I HaVe 9 SiSteRs And One BrOtheR, Whom I LoVe DeArLy. I am the Type Of PeRson Who's OutGoing, SiNceRe, GeNuiNe aNd Eassssy to Get A Long With. I like MeetINg New PeopLe ANd NetWorkiNg With StudeNts.... I recently Graduated from Ventura College "class of 08". I am CuRRentLy AtteNdiNg Cal State Channel Islands, full time, working on a Bachelors in Business Finance and Management, and work Part Time at V.C TutorRiNg Math and SpaniSh.... In five years, I see myself working for a big company, getting a Masters Degree in Business, and Producing Music.. On My Free tiMe, when I'm not doing H.W, I'm ReCording and MiXing MusiC or spending time with my FamiLY. Above all, I "TRY" to Live Life One Day at A tiMe BeCauSe I KnOw Tomorrow is not PrOmised.....

I CaN Do ALL thiNgS thRoUGh ChRiSt Who StReNgtheNs Me! ! ! ! PhiLL 4:13
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Don't say the things impossible, or someday you will regret it, someone who did not know it, will come along and do it
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My Interests

.................... We're A BLessed FaMiLY

My Sis CriStaL And Bro IsRaeLThe FamiLy At P.F ChaNgs...My LiL Sis BriAnnaMy Sis WeddingMy LiL Sis SaRaMy LiL Niece AliyahMy LiL Sis RebeCCaMy Sis RuBy and BriaNaMy LIL Niece ALiyahMy LiL SIs Aidee and My Bro IsraeLALiYah My LiL Sis KaRinaMy LiL Sis AdaLindaMy NepHew ALex My WondeRfuL Parents And My LiL Sis..My LiL Sis RosaLindabriana and aliyahTRuSt iN The LoRd With aLL Of YoUr HeArt And LeaN Not On YouR OwN UnDeRstaNdiNg PrOverbs 3:5

I'd like to meet:

A GirL who is Smart, Fun, Outgoing, and Knows what she wants in life.... (A good GirL) I know there is still some out there.. :)


The StuDio.....PuZZLe And MeDiGi 002GLYpH ProFeSSioNaL Audio Hard DriVe!!! YEahhhhhThis is MY CoMPuTeRPro TooLs L.E 7.3