The Basics in your life:
What's your favorite color? Black
What's your favorite animal? Gorrillaa
Who's your role model? Diddy
How many siblings do you have? 2 sis 1 bro
How many people live in your house? 2
How many animals do you have none
Where do you live(trailor, mansion, regular house )? regular house
Who is your most valuable freind? marshaaa
Which freind do you look up to the most? nigee man
How many best freinds do/did you have? marsha klumz josh
How many freinds have moved out of your city? 1
Would you rather have...
coke or sprite? coke
lunch or dinner? Food!!
a sister or brother? sister
Mcdonalds or Burger King? mc ds chips burgerking burger
boyfreind or freind? ffrrriieennddd
hug or kiss? both
pinch or poke? pooookkkeeee
clown or doll? clown
or other MySpace Surveys at Myspace Zodiac Graphics
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
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