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The San Francisco Settlers of Catan!
Friendly local San Francisco folk.......Cool scooter people without elitist ideas about vintage Vespas. My bike is a 2002 Vespa ET4 and I will not apologize for it. I love riding in a pack and havent met any other scooterists yet. I miss going to scooter rallies!I would also like to meet people who love dogs and cats. People who love playing Settler's and people who are't offended or threatened easily. Mostly, I would like to meet sarcastic, bitter, angry, happy-yet-pissed off, often-intoxicated fools like myself. A sense of humor is a must.When I get a little wasted I love to philosophyse and discuss grand questions. I'd like to meet people who love to dissect a topic. Humanity is so screwed up, it baffles me!
Rock, every kind of rock there is: from death metal to pop. Also, modern classical, particularly movie soundtracks. I love to dance to R&B/Soul/Funk, as well as Electronica. Go figure.....
Shawshank Redemption
skinny bitch.
me. and those who know me well know why.....