Currently playing X-box with my seniors and oh yeah! sleep!!...
Friends, family, hot chicks yo!, cool dudes, anyone..if ur gay, piss of my page but lesbians are fine by me...WHAT! everyone is thinking of that..yeah wright!!
Anytin' of that will send my head off the ground...depending on my mood...some soft yet meaningful songs when i felt like it...some nasyid when i felt like it..but usually some rock song will be enough....currently listening to PAIN by Jimmy Eat to me is the pulse of my beating heart..seriously! is hollow w/o music...
Movie maniac@ cinema fanatic@DVD enthusiast..i basically watch anytin...
Being broke and currently living in a small room as a freshmen here in RPI..i reluctantly had to forgo some of my luxuries back in of them is my beloved TV..hope that is crystal clear..
Books are the government's propaganda to steel our minds!..Comics are the saviour of our soul...Al-Quran is indeed the true guidance....
The Great Driector of JPA for sending me the States