Myspace Layouts by
kitiN..not ur tyPicaL girL..loVes genuine heartrending teAr jerKer mOvies..FasHion AfficioNado..MaLL raT..JuNk fOoD junKiE..CarTooN afficiOnado..hEdoNisTiC brAt..LoveS the CompaNy of FrienDs..likEs to reAd and wRite..wAcky..gooFy..possEss a dySfunCtiOnaL braiN..neVer faiLs to sMile..LaiD bacK..homE buDDy..sPeaks her miNd..hopelEss romAntic..CrammeR..LovEs to eat..disLike aNnoYiNg, Pretentious wannaBes..adOrable little prUde daw..sleepYhead.stiL in the proceSs of knowing myseLf..about me??.1. i can be annoying at times especially when im making lambing or simply not in the mood..2. i believe that to some extent that i am mean..hehe..3. strOng enuf to pursue life..4. simPly loves to wRite aNd reAd..5. I always believe in cliches and Irony..6. simply loveS the cOmplexities that often involves in the notiOn of trUe Love..7. maLandra in the ProceSS..8. kErplunkinG hideous amoUnt on ceLphone loads..hehe9. royaLly messed up at some point and stIL stuck on its ambiguity..10. Im blooDy prOud of who i AM!!11. I am Not flamboyanT!! hehe..or even a prUde...12. self-CoNfessiOn: the ReasOn why i goT oUt frOm my Mommy's orifice is to beCome an AdvOcate fOr sTupidity!! haha..kidding..13. gleamIng, glowing, glistening..14. teetering between adOlecense and adulthoOd..belieVed times i can rILi be inconsiderate and childish while at othEr timEs i can be considerabLy mature..15. "a lady on the Verge..finDing true Love wiTh coLd hanDs and a Warm heart" -quoted by my very goOd friend iCa..16. the MASTER of my LIFE..17. Doing ALL.18. Being ALL..