The Vegas Vixens profile picture

The Vegas Vixens

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About Me

We are a Burlesque Group in Las Vegas. We combined old style Burlesque music with current choreography. The Vegas Vixens have been seen on Meet the Barkers (Travis Barker of Blink 182) on MTV, performed for 5,500 people at The Hendon Party with Jenny Macarty, Vegas's annual Fetish and Fantasy ball, BMX Rides, Bacardi and many others. For booking info leave us a message. THE VEGAS VIXENS PROMO VIDEO: The Vegas Vixens performing at THe Bacardi Party ..
Industry Night @ Polly Esther's
- - Las Vegas Nightlife br / Sindi Sincity & Veronica Lure The Vegas Vixens performing for LV Transportation Authority The Vegas Vixens Perfroming at THe Canyon Club Miss Puka Lani, Sindi Sincity, Veronica Lure hosting THe Undreground Rebels cd Release after party.

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