Mr. Jared Brinson profile picture

Mr. Jared Brinson

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts I enjoying going out with my freinds and chillin as I like to Call it. But Most of all I like Chillin,Being with my Wifey. Me and Her Spend Most of time together.

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My Interests

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I have a true passion for music. I've been playing the drums every since I was 4 yrs. old. I am always thinking about music. Always looking for a chance 2 pratice or SHED as me and my Boyz would call it. But as far as listening to music I Like all types of music because I'm a True Musician at soul.


My favorite movies are Next Friday, Heavyweights,40 year-old Virgin and may more.


My favorite television shows are of course every thing on the food channel, Flavor of love,Jamie foxx and many more.


The books that I really Love and probably the only books that really read are Tuck Ever Lasting, and The Bluest Eye


I consider God as my Hero He's always been 2 protect me. Another hero is my Dad He's kepted me in the right direction as a cristian and as a musician.He's also taught me true musicianship. And last but not least My Mother because she's taught how to survive in the real world.