“Ghettocaust†is an original Hip Hop song written by Chad Love. It reminds us of the atrocities that the Jewish people endured during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, asks us to never forget what happened there, and warns that if we allow it, could happen again.Chad Love, one of the first Jewish Political Rappers, uses the guttural style and feel of Hip Hop to convey the deepest feelings about that horrific time in the history of civilization.In this, the beginning of the 21st Century, it is all too easy to forget what happened over 60 years ago in Europe. The goal of the leaders of Germany was to eliminate the Jewish people from the earth. To this end, the Jews were restricted to specific area within the borders of European cities know as Ghettos. From these isolated area, the Jewish families were sent to concentration camps all over Eastern Europe with names like Aushcwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau and many others. There, over six million innocents were murdered.Chad Love believes that by presenting the story of the Holocaust to the next generation of Jews in a format that is both timely and acceptable to them, the theme of “Never Again†will be continued. It is our mission in life to pass on the history of the Jewish people. By educating the most precious possession we have – our children -, we insure that these atrocities will never befall our people again.www.evolrecords.com