Martial arts / movies /weapons /drawing / training / Reading / sports / games / ninja gaiden / computer / music / movies / photography / training
i like all kinds of music ,80s ,90s,rock ,rap ,techno ,dance ,country ,
Bruce lee -Enter the Dragon / Rush hour 1 2 and 3 /Adam sandlers movies / Theres way to many other movies to name :]
Anime / samurai champloo / Ninja warrior / raw / family guy / futurama /smallville
lord of the rings / Harry potter / Vampire hunter d / The chocolate war / The giver / manga books / samurai champloo / nuyasha / tale of the moon / naruto / trinity blood / Get backers / chobits / Full metal alchemist / The ninja and their secret way.
my dad / my sensei / Vampire hunter D / Spiderman / Bruce Lee / my cousin