An impossible dream.
A waste of time and money.
A guaranteed failure.
These are all statements that we’ve been hearing almost daily for the past four years that we’ve been together.
Whether we hear it from loved ones, or from those who rally against us, it’s clear to see that the odds are not in our favour.
We are Vox Deus.
A band that hails from the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Our location in this beautiful paradise, may in fact be our biggest curse.
We have been unfortunately born into a society that chastises rock music. Our music is only tolerated by a handful, and even among this handful, there is much bickering, arguing and general disharmony.
But still we persevere.
We have a dream, and that dream is to share our music with people across the globe. The very music that we put our hearts, souls, blood, sweat and tears into writing and performing.
And it is undeniable.
Everyone who comes into contact with our music is moved in some way, and this simple notion is enough to keep us going. There is no doubt in our minds that we can make an impact across international waters.
It is a question of time and not ability.
But until then….we are simply Matthew Coelho, Nikolas Khan, Gerard Ferreira, Jonathan Nelson and Nicholai Assam.
We are Vox Deus.
We are an adrenaline-charged blur on stage.
We are a force to be reckoned with.
Five men from a tiny island in the Southern Caribbean, one focus on the world at large.