Politics, Airplanes, Military, Gym, Books, Stocks, Investing, Church, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, FOOD!
Just to let you know where I am living now. This sign could in theory be found down the street from my house.
I'd like to meet fellow go-getters and overachievers.
Here's my obligatory list of people I think are cool and would love to meet face to face
Jesus, My Late Gramps, President Bush, Ronald Regan, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Trump, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr., Homer Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Ben Stein, Will Ferrell, Charlize Theron, Britt Hume, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, Oprah, Will Smith, Elvis Presley, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Forbes
Sirius satellite radio rocks! I dig Alternative, rock,and punk the most. I like getting down to hip hop and pop, cutting some rug. Like the lyrics of country, usually has messages worth thinking about. Classical is cool. My favorite is throwing back a couple brews at live performance.
40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Monsters Inc, Cars, Karate Kid parts 1 and 2 (one is my favorite)
Grey's Anatomy, Special Report w/ Britt Hume, Colbert Report, Desperate Housewives, So you think you can dance, American Idol, Family Guy.
Books by Dinesh D'Souza, Ann Coulter, Ben Stein, Bible, all political books
Gramps, Condi Rice, Ronald Reagan, Aunt Stella, Uncle Ed