G-reG profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Greg I work for a company called Kendcom Industries its a remodel construction company. I've been working there for three years, I travel all over the country rebuilding Borders Bookstores. I just got back from work in Peurto Rico and ive been to about every place ther,es a Borders in the country. I also wait tables in Columbus Ohio, I waited tables off and on since I was younger, I also sold cars for about four years, its weird going from siiting at a desk all day to working twelve hour shifts installing carpet. I moved to Columbus about two or three months ago, but im always in the Flint area. I'm getting back in to shape I work out every day, usually run a couple miles a day, I also like swimming and playing sports, usually basketball, or golf but I love all sports. I also like going to sporting events Pistons, Tigers, Michigan games and always make the Buick Open every year. I love going up north in the summer and going south in the winter, my mom lives in Charleston SC I love it there. I'm a pretty nice guy I think im outgoing, usually will go out of my way to help a friend. Last year I lost my best friend he was twenty six when he passed away, losing him has helped me understand life a little more and learned to live life to the fullest and I dont take anything in this life for granted, your best friend can become a complete stranger in a heartbeet.
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

The Pistons,Ron Paul,Jay-Z and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. I'd like to meet more people who inspire others to be better people. My mother used to tell me the people you associate yourself with will be a direct reflection on who you are.
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts

MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts

MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts

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Weeds, Entourage, The Wire, Arested Development, Family Guy, Simpsons, Top Chef, American Dad, Sportcenter,Frank TV Flip This House, Daily Show, Colbert Report and Conan
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Cosmic Trigger, All Souls, The Five People you Meet in Heaven and the Fab Five book that was the first book i ever read. I regret the fact that i dont read as much as i would like too.


My heros are people who inspire others to be better people and live better lives

My Blog

Christmas vacation

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGxyIhsSAow ...
Posted by G-reG on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:06:00 PST