Chin Hor profile picture

Chin Hor

The biggest missions in our lives are ourselves.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God, the needy and hungry (spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally), real friends, old friends, new friends, people who know me, those who don't, those who'd like to meet, believers, non-believers, passionate people, those who aren't, those who want to be, faithful people, loyal ones, Optimus Prime, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl and i hope to meet my grandmother one day in heaven.


Rawk! Was a Nirvana fan, am a Nirvana fan, will always be a Nirvana fan. Throw into the mix, some jazz and whatever else pleases the ear and suits the mood, to go with rock :)


The sort that inspire, make you think, make you really smile or cry, the ones that make you wanna make or be part of a film. Example? Shawshank Redemption. Nuff said.


Most old-school cartoons - Transformers, Thundercats etc, A-Team, Airwolf, Knight Rider, Streethawk, Everybody Loves (hates) Raymond, King of Queens, Discovery Travel & Adventure, National Geographic, English Premier League Saturdays and Sundays, Sportscenter, NBA games.


Children's books, Sesame Street books, Books with loads of photos and pictures, Educational books and my new Bible-looking doodle/thoughts/aspirations/inspirations/jot-down book - Thank you Tersh! Loved the gift, and love you for it! :)


Optimus Prime