Cleveland Browns,Float trips, beer, Cubs, proving the existence of Sasquatch,Halloween, and flippin shoes!!
a woman who knows when to shut up, I mean a women who likes long walks in the park and loves rainbows thats what I meant to say! Funny people oh and Fire eaters
Beach Boys, WEEN, Col.Lingus,Creedence Clearwater Revival, Motorhead, Beck,Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet,
Strange Brew, Big Trouble in Little China, Omega Man, Deathrace 2000, Bullit, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Kung Pow, Elvis Movies "Their all great",The Jerk,Bad Santa,Don't be afraid of the Dark,
Watching Horseshoes on the Picture Box!
Whats happening to my body!!!!!
Micheal P. from Cali, Harry Carey, Sarah (the hot Aholt), Julia H., The Wolfman, David Letterman, Eddie Haskel, The Heilmans Family for their invention of Old Style!!!!!!!!! Dr. Jack Kavorkian, Bob and Doug, Phyllis Dillar,Billy Bob Thorton, Anyone who throws shoes.