KyieleahhAutumn☆.™ profile picture


I'd I cant sleep, will you dream for me? and If I cant stand, will you fall with me?

About Me

Kyiele B.|TheBronx.NY|17|Taken.
I'd like to start off by saying, "Hello, my name is..." Kyiele, Nisha or whatever else you know me by.I barely use myspace anymore because I've become severely addicted to twitter.O.O lol anyways, what about me is soo special you may ask? well for one, I'm a natural born performer.I love to be on a stage, in a theater entertaining and captivating.It's something I'd like to pursue for the rest of my life but I'm not sure as to how that will go...I also love going to concerts.Any and all from All time low to Saosin to Emmure and everything in between.I'm an all time low boardie and will be one for a loong time.I've probably seen all of your favorite bands.I've met everyone I've ever wanted to meet (except the cast of WOWP) and I'm VERY much obsessed with Jake T. Austin and Patrick Stumph.yes I like Fall out boy.Dont talk shit and get rocked.:) I'm pretty content with everything right now.I'm a senior at Renaissance H.S.and even though I'm not really the best student I do however plan on attending some amazing college that fits MY criteria.[ My top three schools would probably be Carnegie Melon, NYU or Columbia University...or maybe Fordham University too.] After that who knows? maybe I'll start a health insurance company that focuses solely on people in the entertainment business or do acting full time. :} I'm not here to pretend that I'm some sweetheart who loves and accepts everyone, I'll be the first to admit that I can be mean ,hurtful and spiteful.If you can't handle that then BOUNCE.I have more than enough friends :>I dont like people whose lives revolve around getting wasted and high every night or people who believe that everyone should follow their beliefs.That being said I'm also the most generous person you'll probably meet in your short life span.I'm waaay too nice sometimes, but that's only if you're a good friend who deserves it.I am not a christian nor am I apart of any other religion.I do however believe in some higher power, maybe God, but a of now the bible is just too sketchy to rely on.I'm also what you could consider "straightedge" though I'm going to coin that term and continuously refer to myself as such.Basically, I like being the sober person at the party.I like chocolate, daydreaming ( A LOT)&& sleeping in.I'm terrified of whales and I don't like strangers -_- I'm also spoiled as FUCK. All in all I'm pretty damn fortunate to be who I am. I sometimes don't think before I speak but bestfriend's are amazing and understand that, that's just how I am.I say what I'm thinking and as harsh as that may be for some people, sometimes you just need to hear it.I'd do anything and everything (almost everything) for Nohemi Payano and Xiomara Ortiz.Speaking of, I'm also in a crew called SBO.Don't ask me shit or talk shit about SBO cause I don't tolerate the stupid drama that stems from being in a "crew".My family means a lot to me.My brothers are the funniest kids I know, and they're waaay cooler than your siblings.My mom is amazing beyond words.she's given me so much and I couldn't thank her enough.She's never once denied me of anything I asked for that she knew she could give me, and we don't argue and such like most mothers and daughters do.She is very understanding and gives me the utmost respect and freedom.I can't begin to describe how grateful I am for this. Anyways, besides being amazing,funny and obsessively compulsive I'm just someone you have to get to know. Aim--> Kyielesellscrack :>
Well, g'bye now.You probably wasted a few minutes of your time trying to read this about me...sorry about that :|
OH and all of the crazy artwork on my page was done by this amazing guy, Alex Pardee.GO TO HIS SITE NAO--> :)

♥Jake T.♥
I'm a bit obsessed O.O
Que papiiix3
Emmure O.O
We butter the bread with butter xD
The Audizzle :>
Nick J.

My Blog

Bill Beckett is my hero.

I never wanted to stay awake for ever.I've never wanted to be invincible.Capable of capturing a bullet in my hand without feeling.Able to shoot copious amounts of your favorite drug without overdosing...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 04:19:00 GMT