♥He My Biggest Blessin♥ profile picture

♥He My Biggest Blessin♥

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About Me

[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] DAT MUHFUCKIN GOONIE I'm MaMa1/Lil Savage 4rm da GOONIESS... My bitckhes ckall me 2 Real ckuz I'm jus 2 Real 4 des fake ass bitckhes das trynna bite my swag.. I'm 17 years old and taken by my KoodaBug Kris Williams < I see u haten lil hata >... And yeah bitckhes hate but he mines and he aint goin nowhere..I'm 1 out of da very few bitckhes widda HELL of a swag.. I dont fuck wid many bitckhes ckause bitckhes aint real enuff.. Only my GOONIESS and Traila Ckhicks ckause how I feel we da realest so fuck dem otha hoes.. I gotta attitude like fuck it, I'ma be me anyway ... I dont giva fuck whad u thank ckause I dont waste time worryen about da next bitckh.. On top is where I'ma always see myself so fuck dem hatas I dont need no help... It's dat SuWu Gang ova hea..GOONIESS all muhfucken day... Hatas I done found my swag so step ya game up some mo...And if u thank I’m talken bout u FUCK IT nigga I am !!BLLLLAAATTTT
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] HATE ON IT !!
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A 'All About My Boyfriend survey'
How did it all begin...?
Where did you meet?: At da skatin rink
When did you meet?: When I was in da 8th grade
Was it love at first sight?: Yeah lol
how old were you both?: I was 14 and Kris was 13
When did you have your first kiss?: At a Scotland Game..I was in 9th grade
Where was your first date?: Nowhere
How long until you met the parents?: Like a year
When was it 'official'?: It's alweays official
The good...
Whats your happiest memory of him?: Us doin grown people stuff lol
Whats the sweetist thing he has ever done for you?: Wheneva he quit talken 2 dis hoe 4 gud
Does he buy you lots of gifts?: hell no
Whats your favorite thing to do together?: Maybe I shouldnt tell
When did you know you were falling in love?: When he said he love me
Who said 'I love you' first?: Him
Is it true love?: Yeah
How do you know this?: Cause I kno
The bad...
Whats his worst habit?: Lyen
What annoys you about him?: Him lyen so much
Has he ever hurt you badly?: Yeah
Would he ever cheat?: I hope not..But I trust em
Has he to your knowlege ever cheated?: He has b4 but we all do..I 4give em
Do you trust him?: Yeah
The ugly....
Best facial feature?: His lips
Favorite part of his body?: His chest and somethin else
Hair colour?: black
What does he smell of?: Idk
Whats he wearing when you picture him in your head?: He naked lol
How do you feel when he holds you?: I feel loved
How do you feel when you fall asleep and wake up in his arms?: I feel like I'm wifey..Which I am
How does it feel when he touches you?: It tickles
Does his touch give you goose bumps?: yeah
Does he kiss your neck?: all da time
Your tummy?: all da time
Your forehead?: sometimes
Deep and meaningfull...
Could you be without him?: Nah
Do you think about him constantly when your apart?: All da time
How long have you been together?: On & Off since I was in da 8th grade
Can you see a future together?: Yeah..I hope we always be 2getha
Would you like to get married?: Yeah
Have children?: Yeah
Where can you see your relationship in a years time?: Even betta
5 years time?: Even betta
Do you know there is definatly no-one better out there for you?: I dont thank it is...My nigga perfect
How do you know this?: Because I like em jus da way he is..And while I got him I dont needa notha nigga
Are you scared he might find someone better?: Nah..I'm Lil Savage, it dont get no betta
Is he your best friend as well as your lover?: Yeah
Does he come first over everyone else in your life?: Nahh but he come b4 most people..even family
Would you die for him?: I dont bout all dat na
On a lighter note...
Whats the funniest thing you have ever done together?: wrestlen
Say something that only you two understand: KoodaBug
Do you have nick names for each other?: Yeah
Does he make you laugh?: All da time
Do you wrestle?: All da time
Is he tickelish?: Yeah
Are you?: Yeah
His Favorites...
Food?: CheeseBurger
Drink?: Hawaiin Punch
Sport?: He don't got one
Past time?: Wid me
Animal?: dog
Aftershave?: ?
Clothing style?: Gangstah..He stay wearen RED
Band?: Idk
Music?: Gangstah Muzik and he like some R&B 2
Your 'things'....
Song?: Heaven Sent by Keyshia Cole or Complicated by Nivea
DVD?: We dont got one
Place to hang out?: Kayla house
Meal to cook together?: None
Time you saw him?: Jus now
Kissed him?: Jus now
Spoke to him?: Jus now
The last text he sent you?: Dat was a minute ago
When will you...
See him again?: He wid me now
Speak to him again?: Now
Tell him you love him again?: Idk ..I always tell em dat
Have you ever?
Spent the night together?: Last nite
Been on holiday?: Idk
Met his parents?: Yeah
Had naughty time?: Dis mornin LOL
Made him cry?: I can't make em cry
Done anything spontaneous together?: We always do shit like dat
Is this love?: Yeah
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[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] My KoodaBug Kris.. U already kno whad it is wid u.. U got my heart & I aint trynna loose u.. U keep me focused... I aint neva thank I would fall 4 anotha nigga like I fell 4 u... How I feel nothen ckan keep me 4rm u & u got my word on dat...Believe it or not u ckhanged me & das when I knew u ckhanged my whole life..We gone make it last dis time..U showed me Love aint always Ckomplickated das y I'm Mrs. Williams ..Tell all yo lil groupies dat !!..I love u nigga !!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] My ckousin Nickha… At first me & u wont dat cklose.. I mean we was always cklose but u kno it was u and MaMa2 and den me & Tickha..Afta dat shit happened wid Tickha when I felt lonely u was dea 4 me & I was dea 4 u like family pose 2 do… Alotta shit done ckhanged sincke den and now we ckloser den eva… U my bitckh, my sista, my nigga, my ckousin.. U mean a lot 2 me.. I would say u my favorite ckousin but u already kno Tickha holden dat spot down… I got u regardless and u kno I’m here 4 u thru whadeva.. Ya big cuz love ya BITCKH !!!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*]
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] My twin..Lady Savage u already kno whad it is wid u so really I aint got much 2 say..U kno when u fight I fight regardless of who it is... I LOVE u 2 ...GOONIESS !!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] My bitckh Kayla Black... Now u kno we been cklose 4 a minute now..and its ckrazy ckause we ckloser by some beef shid..Bitckhes aint like when we got ckoo ckause dey already knew...Us 2getha was gone give bitckhes hell.. But das aiigh ckause we still maintained dat shit no matta whad a hata thought... Dey jus made us ckloser & ckloser and I'm glad u one of my GOONIESS ...Keep it Goonin BITCKH...I LOVE yo black ass and u kno aint no bitckh gone fuck wid ckhu..Dey gotta go thru me 1st !! GOONIESS !!!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] My bitckh Ckhanun Bad Azz..Yeahhh we been ckoo 4 a while 2...U my ride or die bitckh & I'm yours ... Bitckhes hate but dey aint gone fuck wid u ckause dey already know whad it is...U know if u hit a bitckh wid one den I'ma hit ha ass wid 2...I'm here 4 u regardless...I'm jus one phone ckall away...I LOVE u 2 bitckh...GOONIESS !!
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] My bitckh Pretty Black..Even doh we dont do nothen but fuss u kno u my bitckh regardless..If anybody fuck wid u..dey automatickally gotta c me.. Bitckhes can talk all dey want but dey kno whad it is... It's da GOONIESS bitckh...Let dem hoes hate Paris...Das all dey gone do neway... I love u 2 bitckh..GOONIESS !!

I'd like to meet:

BOOSIE BAD AZZ AND DA WHOLE TRILL ENT FAMILY !!!!!!!!!!!!! And I wanna see my ckuz Tickha and my bay Terry again
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] LOOK AT ME AND MY BITCKHES YOO
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] KEEP IT GOONIN ALL DAY
[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Photos*] WE JUS HAVEN FUN


[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Text*] Tickha on da end, Nickha, MaMa2, and Me on da otha end...And my Unckle Don in tha back...DEM DAMN MAMA TWINS !! .. GOTTA love us.. Rest In Peacke Tickha ..We still gone hold it down 4 yuh.. No matta whad..Hoes ain't fucken wid us anyway..So we got dis... I LOVE U !! .. 12/21/90-3/28/07