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Always, Ash

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Tell Me About YourSelf Quiz!*
Have You?
Kissed a member of the same sex? That is for me to know and you to find out!
Ranaway? I wish
Skipped school? Yes
Told someone you loved them? Yes
Cried when someone died? Yes, and I still miss her today.
Wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? Nope
Broken a bone? Nope
Done something embarrassing? Everyday, but I'm never embarrassed
Done a drug? Nope
Cried in school? Nope
Seen a scary movie? You Bet
Which Is Better?
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Sprite or 7-Up Sprite
Girls or Boys? Boys to date, Girls to Hang with
Flowers or Candy? Flowers
Blondes or Brunettes? Blondes
Rock or Rap? Both
Short or Tall? Tall cause I'm 5'10"
Pants or Shorts? Both
Night or Day? Night
Body or Face? Face
Smart or Funny? Funny is Always the Best
Sweet or Attractive? Sweet cause the Attractive ones tend to hurt me
Goal for the year? Be Happy
Favorite song? Gone Going
In Your Room? Me if you want
Picture on your desktop? Daddy's Girls
Color? Pink
Movie? Pirates of the Caribbean
Artists? Too Many to Write
Ice cream? Cookies and Cream
Season? Summer
Breakfast food? Don't eat Breakfast
Makes you laugh the most? My Friends
Makes you smile? My Family
Can make you feel better know matter what? My Aunt Lu
Who has it easier girls or guys? Guys by far
Have You Ever?
Sang in the shower? Heck Yeah
Saved an AIM conversation? Nope
Saved an E-mail? Yep
Had a triple kiss? No
Gone skyp-diving?
Got in serious trouble? No not really
Went scuba diving? Not Yet
Cuddled with someone? Heck Yeah that is the best
Go online for more then 8 hours at a time? Nope
Fallen for your best friend? Nope cause my best friends are girls!!!
Kissed two people in the same day? Yeah, woops!!
Had sex with two different people in the same day? Not yet
Been in love? Yeah sure have
Been kissed? Yep that is my favorite
Done something you regret? Many things
Do You?
Color your hair? Have before
Have tattoos? None yet
Have piercings? Yeah 6
Own a thong? Just a few! LOL
Want to get married? Yeah someday
Want to have kids? Yeah someday
Name? Ashley Ann Earnhardt
Age? 22
Gender? Female
Hair? Long and Blonde
Eyes? Big and Blue
Sport? Dance
Book? Letters to Jennifer
Music? All

What kind of jewel are you?
Classic and lovely, you are exquisitely feminine.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --

I'd like to meet:

Well, I would have to say God would be the first on my list! Not technically the first chronologically, but the most important. He is a huge part of my life! Without his guidance, I have no clue where I would be today. Now for the others:

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