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Gold Kryptonite

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About Me

Gold kryptonite would permanently rob Superman of his super-powers were he ever to be exposed to its radiations.
Gold Kryptonite: Removes superpowers from Kryptonians permanently; however, in one story, a temporary antidote was developed that negated this effect for a short period of time. For obvious reasons, this variety was little used in Superman stories. It played key roles in the 1982 limited series "The Phantom Zone", as well as in two noncanonical stories, namely the 1986 tale Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, and later in the Superman & Batman: Generations stories. Additionally, it appeared briefly in the post-Crisis DC Universe, when Superman used it on a trio of Kryptonian criminals while visiting the Pocket Universe (Adventures of Superman #444, Superman (volume 2) #22). As cited in World's Finest Comics #159 (1966), gold kryptonite has an effective range of two feet. In the mainstream post-Crisis DC universe, it appears that it has once caused Superman to age at an accelerated rate, however, it is not confirmed if this is true of all gold kryptonite because this version was presumably created by the time traveller Gog.

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I'd like to meet:

A Kryptonian so I can take away all their powers

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