jumping up and down for no reason, imitating a pretzel, poi dancing, brain exercises, alternating chick lit with good reads, torturing my liver and lungs, bakin' my fair skin by bein' a beach bum, collecting purple stuff, being cheery when everyone else feels shitty...et. al.
maroon 5, gwen stefani, corrs, sugababes, madonna, kylie m (ang bakla di ba?) and believe it or not..kamikaze!
stranger than fiction, 300, little miss sunshine, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, amelie, life is beautiful, city of god, a very long engagement, last samurai, kill bill, fight club...
america's next topmodel, six feet under, sex and the city, desperate housewives and etc. (as in ETC shows)
one flew over a cuckoo's nest, veronika decides to die, time traveler's wife, the curious incident of the dog in the night time, little prince, unbearable lightness of being, harry potter series, etc.