Atomic profile picture


About Me

I was born in Zagreb (Croatia) and I start to dance in 1994 untyl now I oranise lot of events and I travel around on jams.... So now Iam here in the pale witch I create for my self to enjoy in good and bad things happening around me. One thing I learn in all of this years of my bboy life and that is love for all of litle things witch was give to one persone from god. Also I sean so much anger, dissrespect, wrath, avarice, vapour and jealousy that I am surprised how can man cinde still exist on this planet. Many time it was abouth my self and I learn to not look at that cose actualy I dont give a fuck for player haters, just whant to live my life in harmony and happynes, who dont understand me like that he can just go I dont whant to be artound that. BBoying is the thing what makeing my life and that is alwas here and I whant to know everything abouth that, so I learning from many other peoples around what is this culture and what is the joy of it. I got to say that from many people I sean different thinking and thats why I still looking for more other ways of thinking cose I whant to develope my own. If you ask me what is bboying I will say that its life style and many persones dont understand that, also many bboys as well will not understand how deep are that words life style. So I just whant to leave that shit no mether what others are saying and if you got the problem abouth that cypher is the place where you will find me and then we can "talk" abouth that.Check the new video aboth Flor Kilah made in 2007. Brotha you still leave in us.

My Blog


I usualy dont write blogs but I decided to strat with that and poot my thinking somewhere.   In a last time I ask my self lot of things abouth bboying and developing of this culture in all region...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 06:51:00 GMT

Few videos from me

Ok peeps here it is 3 videos from me just to check it. This first one is litle beat older and its just 2 tranings but I like it jou can find it on the link Atomic 1   This one is newer but i...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:59:00 GMT

Havikoro Croatian tour

So its like this one of the crews from USA world wide known Havikoro is on tour around the world and they will come to Croatia and travel around. So my luck is that I menage the tour. Tour thrue 3 ci...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:16:00 GMT

B - Urban Meeting

Hello peeps,On 19.08. in City called Vodnjan (Istria, Croatia) there will be and hip-hop meeting with bboy battle and that meeting we called B - Urban.B - Boys from all over are invited to join this e...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 06:54:00 GMT

IBBC 2006 (Hungary)

Hungaryan bboy event IBBC is geting bigger every year so this year its looking like this:
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 07:37:00 GMT