I love the outdoors. Hiking and getting as far away from civilization as I can in a few hours, for a few hours. I love to hang out with friends. A good glass or wine, whiskey and cognac, smoking an occcasional Rocky Patel Cuban, singing and dancing till I'm numb. The Good Book. And sooooo many other things. You'll just have to ask.PASSION IS ALWAYS A GOOD THING.
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As many new and exciting, fun, wild people that I can meet. Really, that's why I'm here.
Braveheart, The Patriot, Last of the Mohicans. You know, all of the great epics of our time.
I don't really watch a lot of television.
Wild at Heart. Again. Ransomed Heart. Waking the Dead. All by John Eldredge
Jesus. A man of love and passion. A man who stood against common thought and tradition. A man that challenged authority and overcame even death. Nice!Oh yeah. Superman too.DID I MENTION I LOVE TO MAKE OUT?!! THIS IS WHERE I GO TO CLEAR MY HEAD AND GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH GOD