"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill."
A collection of photos, vacations, parties, whatever, here .
I'm not single, I have no kids, I do have pets (LOTS).
I like my job, I have aspirations for corporate domination.
I love to travel and do so regularly.
I love my friends and family though I dont see enough of either and often times forget to tell them how much I love them.
My life is generally pretty weird and sometimes just f'd up, but it is mine for better or worse. :)
Whatever you think you actually know about me, you've only scratched the surface. I can admit that I'm often a contradiction to myself; I also tend to keep a lot of myself to myself. So if there is something you want to know about me, read the helpful Interests section on the left, the random quiz below, or you can just ask me something interesting.
I like this map when the site let's me update it :-P
Sun Sign: Taurus
Sun 14° Taurus 56' Taurus Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Aries
Moon 28° Aries 35' Aries Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Virgo
Ascendant 17° Virgo 25' Virgo Horoscope
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When I was in Korea I was told that a woman shouldnt be born in the year of the horse or it makes her too headstrong and independent. *snicker*
Myspace Chinese Astrology
Chrissy --
A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Random quiz time:
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
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