..Whisper and Farther Away By Evanescence
..Bring me to life - Evanescence
..Evanescence - Going Under
..Evanescence - Haunted (Live)
..Evanescence - Sweet Sacrifice
..my last breath by evanescence
..Evanescence Whisper (Origin) w/ footage from Underworld
..Whisper - Heroes - NBC
..Evanescence - Anywhere
What Is Your Inner Desire?
Your inner desire is love. You are a romantic person and really just want that special someone to spend the rest of your life with. You are a very caring and compassionate person, and if you keep it up, you will one day find the love of your life.
How do you compare?
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Military Tribute. "When you Come Back to Me Again"
First off: WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE. Music by Garth Brooks. "When I come Back to You Again" is from his "Scarecrow" album. If you enjoy his music, please purchase the CD today. I do not own the rights to his music and nor do I make any money from this video. It is a tribute to our men and women serving in harms way.I'm tired of hearing about all...
Which Movie Villian Are You?