crooked halo profile picture

crooked halo

New Adventures and New beginnings!!!!

About Me

Well it is a new year with plenty of lessons learned from the previous to use this time around. Forgiveness and understanding are the key to a happy life. I've learned that you can't judge others because karma always comes back to bite you in the ass. The things you think are important in life don't seem so important when you lose someone you love and if you don't love yourself first how do you expect to love those around you. If you don't learn from life and those around you, then you might as well just stop living altogether because no one is perfect and we all have a long ways to go.

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My Interests

Spending time with friends and family. Mainly, my number one man, Jojo. He is the light of my life and so much like his Daddy and I adore him. Trying to perfect the art of motherhood and being a supportive wife. Watching my boys play baseball and going shopping with my girls. Hiking,camping and almost anything outdoors. As you can see it has taken me forever to sit down and finish my profile because I hate sitting around and despise people who are LAZY. Get off your fat ass and enjoy life!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

People who are tired of DRAMA!!! If you have it stay away. People who love the simply perfect things in life like laughter, good friends, beautiful sunsets and waking up next to the person you love. Those who are happy and confident in who they are. Beautiful people inside and out who can carry on a stimulating conversation!!!


Depends on my mood. I like most types. Blues,rock,alternative, R&B & Hiphop and even country if I'm in the mood. I love nickelback and buckcherry but Etta James will always be my first love.


Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Tombstone, Citizen Kane, Memoirs of a Geisha(though the book was better), When Harry Met Sally, Rent, The Untouchables, Meet Joe Black, Interview with a Vampire, Silence of the Lambs, Romeo and Juliet, The Notebook, An Affair to Remember, Pulp Fiction, and the Princess Bride.


Not too big on TV but do like the History and Discovery channels


Interview with a Vampire, Silence of the Lambs, The Devil Wears Prada, The Crucible, Memoirs of a Geisha, THE Scarlett Letter, and Les Miserables, but most importantly the best book ever written The Bible. I love to read and the list would go on and on. I love the classics.


Jesus, My Dad, Gram and of course my kids and my wonderful husband who is out to prove that he is the hero I know he is!!!!!!