Tom Hellmuth profile picture

Tom Hellmuth

About Me

Hi, I’m Tom. I’m 20 years old and music and performing are my passions in life. I have been performing in some way since kindergarten. I enjoy listening to any kind of music because there is SOMEthing good about just every genre or artist. I am also an actor and Theatre major at my university. Want to know how I got here? I was birthed.. then I was crazy and tubby.. adhd…skip ahead… I was a band geek in grade school so when it came around time to go to high school I was like ah! Cant be a band geek now!! Soon there after I got into punk rock and sold my trumpet to buy a guitar and start a band. I sucked for a while until I got pretty ok. I played and sang for more than a few bands through high school, mostly in heavier genres. Once I got to college I only had my acoustic with me so I began writing music. Soon thereafter I procured a keyboard and a microphone and stuff to record with so I began writing and experimenting with all kinds of music. That’s where I am now. I play shows as often as possible and play and write everyday. If you are in my area and want to hear me play or want a cd of more of my music just send me a message and I would be happy to play a show or give you a demo!
There will be an array of styles of songs.. acoustic.techno.rap?..metal.gravy.blankets.rock. and whatever else spits out of my mouth from originals to covers.
Here is a video I made for my Divine Intervention Cover
Here is a video of me playing Crushcrushcrush by Paramore live.
^download my music/more electronic stuff!
Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 27/06/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Tom Hellmuth

Influences: Shawn Harris, along with the rest of the matches
The Rolling Stones
Max Bemis
Derek Bloom
Tom Delonge
Sonny Moore
Sounds Like: noise

tomselect - Broadcast your self LIVE
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

New Cover will be up within 3 days!

The other day I was listening to this one particular band and this one song by this band. I heard it and really listened to it and looked at the lyrics. It is a fast song by nature, but the lyrics are...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 04:18:00 GMT

New Music!

I have written a slew of new songs, 4 to be exact, and are still working on previously written, but unrecorded music. I am so excited to be able to put new material up, but am hesitant to put up anoth...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 06:04:00 GMT