My tastes change as I get older, but basically: anyone who can express themselves without worrying about other people's feeling's. I'm direct enough to speak my mind, you should be to. If you can't keep me intrigued mentally then your wasting my time(physical lusts included). Independance is important, as well as personality, and individuality. Be yourself, not who other's expect you to be.
Your Dating Purity Score: 27%
You are an experienced dater.
You've dated around enough to know what you want in a relationship.
And you've got the dating skills to get exactly what you want!
Dating Purity Test
Some dull noise I rarely pay attention to...
I collect a wide range of movies, but don't get a chance to go see them as much as I used to unfortunately. I enjoy Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, Anime, and a rare comedy now and then.
You mean there's a purpose for that large piece of tech., other than playing video games and watching movies.