Attractive Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented.Loves special things. Moody.This pretty much sums it all up. I have that natural sex appeal.table>
Have you ever? by neutron
smoked a cigarette?: Naw
smoked a cigar?: Yes
done drugs?: Yes
drank alcohol?: Yes
been in love?: Hell Yeah
been dumped?: Hate 2 admit;yeah
shoplifted?: Naw
been fired?: Hell Yeah
been in a fight?: Not Really
snuck out of your house?: Hell Yeah
been arrested?: Hell Naw
made out with a stranger?: Naw
gone out on a blind date?: Stupid I DiD
lied to a friend?: I wasn't trying 2
had a crush on a teacher?: Who Hasn't
skipped school?: Who Hasn't
slept with a co-worker?: Naw
seen someone die?: Don't Want 2
had/have a crush on 1 of your myspace friends: Hell Yeah
been to Canada?: I Want 2
been to Mexico?: I Want 2
been on a plane?: Yes, I love It
thrown up from drinking?: Not Yet
eaten sushi?: Yes and Its Nasty
been skiing?: Don't Want 2
been in an abusive relationship?: Hell Naw
taken pain killers?: Who Hasn't, Not Addicted
love someone right now?: Hell Yeah
laid on your back & watch the clouds?: Yes More Than Once
made a snow angel?: Yes
used a fake ID?: Naw
watched the sunset?: Yes
touched a snake?: Yes
felt an earthquake?: Naw
been tickeled?: Yes, Last Night
been robbed?: Naw
been misunderstood?: Yes Plenty Of Times
won a contest?: Yes @ The Apollo
been suspended from school?: Naw
had detention?: Who Hasn't
been in a wreck?: Yes It Wasn't Bad
had/have braces?: Hell Naw
had a one night stand?: Rather Not Say
danced in the moonlight?: Naw
hated the way you look?: Naw
witnessed a crime?: Didn't Mean 2
had deja vu?: Plenty Of Times
stripped for someone?: Hell Yeah
walked barefoot thru the mud?: Yes
been lost?: Yes In My Thoughts
been to the other side of the country?: Not Reall
swam in the ocean?: Can't Swim
felt like you were dying?: Yes
pole danced?: Naw
played cops & robbers?: Naw
cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: Yes
made prank phone calls?: Yes
caught a snowflake on your tongue?: Naw
kissed someone in the rain?: Yes
blowed bubbles?: Yes
told a stranger you loved them?: Yes
had a wish come true?: Yes
jumped off a bridge?: Hell Naw
kissed a fish?: Hell Naw
ate dogfood?: Hell Naw
sang in the shower?: Who Hasn't
had sex in the woods?: Hell Naw
had sex in the park?: Hell Yeah
had sex in the car?: Hell Yeah
had sex in the pool?: I want 2
sat on a roof top?: Naw
worn the opposite sex clothes?: What Woman Hasn't
had sex at a church?: Hell Naw, Creepy
screamed at the top of your lungs?: Hell Yeah, Intimacy
stayed up all night?: Hell Yeah
didn't take a shower for a week?: Hell Naw
climbed a tree?: Hell Naw
believed in ghosts?: Hell Yeah
been streaking?: Hell Naw
been skinny dipping?: Hell Naw
been to jail?: Naw
been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: Hell Yeah
been pushed into a pool?: Hell Yeah
played chicken?: Hell Naw
broken a bone?: Naw
been easily amused?: Yes
caught a fish, & ate it?: Naw
made a porn video?: Naw
had nude photos taken of you?: Naw
laughed so hard you cried?: Hell Yeah
cried so hard you laughed?: Hell Yeah
caught a butterfly?: Yes
mooned/ flashed someone?: Naw
had someone moon/flash you?: Naw
licked a cat?: Naw
forgotten somone's name?: Yes
went scuba diving/snorkeling?: Naw
bitten someone?: Yes
been kicked out of your house?: Naw
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