I can't wait for summer. Its official.....I'm going to Peru in June!!
Hey those of you GUYS who have 200 and one friends what the hell you want wit me, go talk to those hookers on your list. MY NEW OBSESSION DAMN HE'S FINE!!!! TALL DARK AND HANDSOME CAN A WOMAN ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE?!?!?!
Basically anything that sounds good I will give a chance.
Love in The Time of Cholera was the last movie I saw and DAMN....my man Benjamin was in it and although there were times I wanted to kick his ass, he looked so perrty. I WANT TO SEE: First and Foremost...The Kite Runner, also Todd Sweeney, I'm Not There, The Golden Compass, Juno, and The Orphanage. So if anyone wants to see these movies too, I'm just a phone call away!!
Scrubs and Sex in the City are probably the only 2 shows that really make me laugh. I LOVE VH1 and their I Love the 80's, brings me back to simple times. The 90's and 80's Strikes Back were also awesome. I hate watching Bravo but Top Chef and Project Runway are my weakness.
I'm a nerd what can I say!!! I can't stop talking about the Kite Runner. If you haven't read it, you must!!! The Age of Innocence, The Nine Guardians, Peel My Love Like an Onion, The Time of the Hero, The Mixquiahuala Letters, The Years With Laura Diaz.
MY FAMILY all 70 some odd people I call Tia, Tio, and cuz, My Nino and Nina----Felix and Mary Huerta, Cesar Chavez, Frida Kahlo, Snuffolopogus