I'm Dave, I'm 19 & I am an A-level student. I've decided (rather than accept an unconditional offer to read English at Hull university) to retake some modules in my A2's and try again for my first choices. So here I am, on my gap year. I love travelling and so on, so i'm taking another gap year next year. But it wont be in England, haha.
My personality: I'm sort of thinking its difficult to analyse myself, so you're welcome to comment me and say what you think. If I had to say anything about myself, I would say... easygoing, laid back, chilled would be good words to describe me. I'm a virgo, and I'm not entirely sure what that means but apparently I'm sensitive and compassionate. And I'm a gangster. Err... yeah right.
Myself: I'm about 5'11", I think, sort of tall but not that tall. I'm me really, brown eyes, brown hair, 12o'clock shadow almost permanently. I like designer clothes and haircuts from tonic. I live with my brother, Glyn, my mum and my dog.
My car: I have a campervan, the bane of my life. She's temperamental and expensive to run, but ultimately she's worth it!!
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